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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
This procedure replace a birch log with a new mod block when stripping with any axe. This works as long as there is no items in the second hand; if there is an any items, the procedure stops working, even if item is later removed from the second hand. How can I fix this?
This procedure:
This stripping wood procedure:
I'm quite new to this as well, but if you're looking for something new, depending on the update you're using, I've got a procedure that works perfectly, at least for me
Here is where I got the procedure from, thanks to that beautiful person giving their procedure out. If you try it, hopefully it works for you!
No idea why this is happening but it should be fixable by just adding a check for the offhand. Detect both if the offhand is air, and if it is not air, using an OR. This should make your procedure execute if the offhand either contains air OR does not contain air.
It turned out that this error occurs when the other hand has an item that can perform actions on the pcm (food, tools)
. I still don't know what the problem is, adding a condition with an empty/filled slot of the left hand, which kryr suggested, didn't help
*on the mouse right click, misspell