Topic category: Mod showcase and discussion
Step 1. Find Calcified Ruins. A wandering trader might sell some to you.

Costs normally 5 emeralds
Ancients Collector Villager in plains biome - Calcified Ruins can be used as workstation for the new Ancients Collector Villager
- Use Acid Bottle to Extract what's in the ruins

As a workstation or extracted with acid is the only way to get a Broken Omni Interface or Corrupted Redstone Core. But these steps aren't fully necessary for other aspects of the mod, but make acquiring some things easier, earlier on.
Step 2. Craft a Compression Chamber. If you've gotten an Omni Interface, then you should have unlocked the recipe for this one. If not, here it is: That shiny iron in the recipe is 4 Magnetized Iron Ingots. In order to get that, trade for it with the Ancients Collector, or make it with the following method: place an iron block with a redstone block below & a lightning rod above.
Then, craft the Shocker Stick. You can probably see where this is going.

Note: the shocker stick is also a weapon. It will temporarily paralyze mobs when they are hit.

Right-click the lighting rod and...
9 new shiny magnetized iron!
After you have crafted the Compression Chamber,
you can use it to create unique materials. This is it's gui:
The slot on the left is for add-ins and the right for materials (ingot, diamond, etc.). The thing in the middle compresses the materials together when pressed. Each slot only allows 1 item each. Note: redstone power must be applied or reapplied before every use in order for table to be used.

Though many recipes are unlockable in-game, some are not. An example of this is, because the Compression Chamber is a custom crafting table, you can't unlock recipes for it. So I'll show them here:
- Ender Shift Glass recipes 1 & 2.
- Levitious Ingot recipe
- Heavy Core recipe (vanilla item recipe)
- Midnightium Ingot recipe
Now these materials (excluding Heavy Core) have a lot of potential. Let's start with...
Notable Characteristics: Strong, durable, slight teleportation affinity
Crafted Tool Properties: High durability & attack damage. Netherite-tier mining.
Other Uses: Starter point for much Phase related crafts, decoration
Found: Trading with Ancients Collector, compressed in the Compression Chamber or as a dust ore in Ender Shift

The ancients would make this material for its durability, beauty, & ability to interact with Phase. It's a necessary ingredient for Enderman Scales, which you'll need to make many items as well as stay in the Ender Shift.

Notable Characteristics: Very interactive with Phase, aquatically inclined
Crafted Tool Properties: Lower durability, but diamond-tier mining. Some tools can be charged with Phase for a few different abilities, others (such as the trident or Prismarine Armor) have water-related abilities, as this material is both the building block for prismarine & ender pearls
Other Uses: Building endermen or squires, crafting prismarine or tridents or armor, as well as multiple other Phase-related items
Found: From smelting ender pearls, trading with Ancients Collector, or Rarely as a block in Ender Shift's Crackle biome

Renowned by the ancients for its phase-syncing ability & distinct color, this is what was used to build the unique prismarine blocks found in ocean monuments & adapt the endermite's pearl into the better known ender pearl. Perhaps there's a way to use that?...
Levitious Ingot
Notable Characteristics: Levitation and good redstone & material compatibility
Crafted Tool Properties: Increased melee range & differing abilities.
Other Uses: Used to build most "robo-mobs" (excluding endermen) such as shulkers, blazes, frosts, & squires
Found: Traded with the Ancients Collector or compressed in the Compression Chamber
- In order from left to right: Levitious Sword (Range), Frost Sword (Ice), Blaze Rod Sword (Fire), Breeze Sword (Wind), Purpur Sword (Levitation), Levitation Gun (Mimicking the technology of shulker bullets)
Mob recipes:

Blaze (Blaze Bars, Blaze Block, Corrupted Magnet Redstone Core)
- Breeze (Breeze Bars, Breeze Block, Corrupted Magnet Redstone Core)

- Frost (Frost Bars, Frost Block, Corrupted Magnet Redstone Core)

- Flurry (Levitious Dust, Powdered Snow, Corrupted Magnet Redstone Core)

Mirage (Levitious Dust, Sand, Corrupted Magnet Redstone Core)
Squire (Fayd Block, Corrupted Magnet Redstone Core)
Shulker (Purpur Slab x2, Corrupted Magnet Redstone Core)
- Enderman (Ender Scale Wall x3, Fayd Block, Corrupted Redstone Core)
By the way, if building mobs, please note they will still attack you (with the exception of the Squire, who is friendly & tamable). We don't know yet how to make a new core! However you can craft a Core Modifier to make them not attack players.
Right-click on one of the mobs you can build here to stop them from being hostile. You can also use this on the same mobs you haven't built, such as natural-spawing ones. You can also turn vexes back into allays with this.
Ender Shift Glass

The best (& safest!) way to reach the Ender Shift dimension. You'll need a Fayd Ingot or Endermite Pearl (acquired by feeding chorus fruit or Meflite to endermites) combined with glass in a compression chamber to get this block. Please note that the Ender Shift, though survivable, is a difficult environment, with changing gravity, and a lot of endermites. You have been warned! Can also be crafted with glass around it to make a safe, non-teleporty version that is slightly transparent and can be turned into a glass pane.
Shatter the Ender Shift Glass when ready...
Very nice tutorial on the mod!