[Tutorial] Spawn particles when hiting a living entity Tool (cooldown)

Started by grakelcdx on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

Joined Jan 2025

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[Tutorial] Spawn particles when hiting a living entity Tool (cooldown)
Sun, 03/09/2025 - 10:33 (edited)

So lately i been working on a new feature for Tools, that when you hit a entity it appears a particle + bonus damage, so last month i was searching for a tutorial that help my making this feature, but there was nothing, so i make one and today i finished what i think is the more complex thing that i ever made in Mccreator (On my own). 

1. Its important to Know that you need a Global Logic Variable (Variable scope PLAYER_LIFETIME) before proceeding.

2. Create a second Procedure that apply the cooldown (for what i testing is imposible to do it in the same procedure)

3.heres a in game example 

I think The Procedures Could be a lot better, ask my if you have any problems.












Edited by grakelcdx on Sun, 03/09/2025 - 10:33