The Making Of Biomes You Go By AOCAWOL

Started by AOCAWOL on

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The Making Of Biomes You Go By AOCAWOL

    Hello! If you don't already know my account, I'm AOCAWOL. I have been on Mcreator for over 2 years now, and boy I have seen things! Though today I guess I sorta want to inspire you early mod makers, I know it can be tough and frustrating making mods, but I started out knowing nothing and learned so much from it. What majorly inspired me to mods was the lack of creativity in mods I saw around me. I looked at the current mods on the Mcreator page and said to myself “These kinda suck?” and “Who woul plays these for fun?” I always have disliked those mods that are just creative only and none survival friendly. I love minecraft because it's challenging, and to me that's what mods were meant to do. Add more challenge and adventure to the game!


I started actually making several mods, if you go onto my Mcreator profile, you can still find them! These just never really hit the popularity like my current mod. When I first published Biomes You Go, the mod was supposed to simply be a flower mod! My friends though said that having biomes would be cool too, so I added in the first 3 original biomes which are still in the current version! Autumn Forest, Lush Forest and Blood Harvest. Now originally the Blood Harvest was actually an overworld biome! Though this is changed later in Biomes You Go 3. I first released it with joy in my heart and hoping this would gain popularity, you also probably are wondering why I never explained the name of the mod. It's quite simple, ever heard of the doctor seuss book “Oh The Places You’ll Go?” Welp thats my favorite childrens book and it reminded me of exploring, which is the big seller of the mod allowing the player to explore and explore endlessly!


    Well back to Biomes You Go, the first release wasn’t a hit! I got some downloads but that didn’t stop me, I was determined, I looked at the mod of the week, to me it was so sad to see these mods as the best on Mcreator, I watched the 2015 recap Mcreator video, and was shocked on how amazing the mods where, then looked at the current ones and was like “I can do better!” So for the next couple of weeks, after school and on the weekends it was mod time! Always making and testing, going through trials and errors and creating textures etc


Finally, Biomes You Go 2 was published, this added in the Dark Dimension, along with floating islands, and more biomes including a couple mobs, lots of new ores and tools/armour. I published the 2nd installment on tuesday of the week. I quickly forgot and was working on my game i'm designing (still am). Eventually I went onto the Mcreator page to see the motw. It was mine! I Honestly at first didn’t believe it, it was awesome to see all the wonderful and positive comments I was getting on my page. Eventually I kept updating the mod until the newest version of mcreator came. That's when I waited until they release the update that allowed workspace transfers, that when I decided to start developing again! It's also when I created the official Biomes You Go website! Later I released Biomes You Go 3! This also for some reason got motw again which I was happy about.


That's when I started getting asked to do mod reviews! I was so hyped for them! Around this time I decided it was time to expand, I uploaded Biomes You Go 3 onto CurseForge and it gained it popularity quick! I was on the featured page for awhile and Biomes You Go is now in about 6-7 modpacks! Then was my big risk taker! I decided to try and upload to Planet Minecraft, it's a wonderful website, but the staff are very picky and normally don’t allow mcreator mods! I know stupid but I tried anyway, and so far it's been good, I actually also got on the popular page on Planet Minecraft as well!


Lastly I uploaded the last installment, Biomes You Go: The Mystic Journey, that's when I knew byg had come to it's resting point and new development needed to be made, that's why I’m also finally announcing the new mod coming in 2017, “Minecraft’s Strange” This mod will be a very refined version of anything I have ever made with lots of cool new things as well, the alpha release will be sometime in January! I hope you all enjoyed reading this Making Of My Mod, and I also hope it inspires you to change the world around you! I made my mod out of trying to restore wonderful mods to Mcreator, your inspiration might be different and that's okay! In the comments tell me what inspired you to make your mod, or if anything is inspiring you right now to make a mod. My mod making motto is “Mods Are For Fun, Not For Money” If people ever consider selling mods, just know I’d never do that! I really hope you all make mods for the fun of it and use your creativity and inspirations to help you! I had lots of wonderful friends who gave feedback and my mod couldn’t be the wonder it is now! My biggest thanks though is to the people who gave my mod a try! Biomes You Go in total has over 5k downloads! I couldn’t have ever dreamed it would be that big, and I couldn’t have done it with you guys and everyone who showed me bugs, and people who requested new features as well! Thankyou guys so much!

-Sincerely AOCAWOL

Last seen on 17:49, 25. Mar 2021
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This is one of my favourite
Sat, 12/31/2016 - 16:42

This is one of my favourite Mcreator mods. This mod motivated me to join MOTW Contest. If I remember well, 1 week after that this mod got MOTW, RaolCraft 2 was for the first time MOTW

Last seen on 17:49, 25. Mar 2021
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And maybe you've inspired me
Sat, 12/31/2016 - 16:46

And maybe you've inspired me another time with this story...

Last seen on 17:49, 25. Mar 2021
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It seems that there is
Mon, 09/25/2017 - 18:31

It seems that there is another mcreator mod maker that uses RPG Maker MV...

Last seen on 05:40, 21. Jan 2024
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I didn't know AOCAWL was an…
Mon, 08/28/2023 - 16:08

I didn't know AOCAWL was an mcreator user. I didn't know Oh the Biomes you'll go was originally made in Mcreateor!!!?!?!?!