Topic category: Help with MCreator software
All I wont to know is this: Is it possible to use Mcreator to change the the player's model into another mob's model? for example if I created a Werewolf as a mob and it uses a custom model. Then when you type a command e.g. /ww transform it changes the player's model into that werewolf model and gives the player buffs like jump boost and speed and strength. If so can someone show me how? or help me make this possible. Another idea Is: is it possible for maybe when the Minecraft is on a full Moon it forces you into that transformation and doesn't allow you to sleep. An idea maybe have the player become Invisible and the model Overlays the player but doesn't block the view of the player (first person perspective).
Also have the player be infected with lycanthropy or werewolfism (both mean the same thing) and then be able to infect maybe villagers with it and werewolves won't be aggressive to the player. However the player can't become a vampire unless cured.
Well basically can suck blood and everytime they hit a mob, it regains some of their hunger. but they have the hunger constantly ands they can't eat anything without being poisoned.
If anyone know's how to do this please let me know through:
On Here
Discord: DianaW0lf#1132
Oh and I'm using the 1.11.2
Still a better love story than- oh, wait...
@#2 The only thing I liked about twilight was the werewolves. the rest I found kinda rubbish xD
I dont think it could be done with MCreator, it would require some really good java knowledge to do things such as you suggested :/
there's one way to do it but let's say it uses invis player and mobs and is not the best or
you could also make it an armor model so make the player inivs and the model could be in the form of armor
elaborating on that, you'd probably have to make a separate armor thing so you dont lose diamond armor.