Blocks with different growth stages

Started by AniMANIA7983 on

Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator

Joined Mar 2020

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Blocks with different growth stages

a cool feature to have would be blocks with different growth stages. such as plants and crops like wheat, carrots, potatoes, or beetroots. the ability to tell it how many ticks to wait until it grows for each stage or have it on a randomizer. or even multi-block height stages so you could grow 2 block tall growth stages for use of a theoretical crop of corn that would be taller.


these would automatically grow on farmland of course, but giving the option not to would make it even better. like the side of a block like cocoa beans on trees for example.


I know it's possible to do this kind of thing as a procedure, but it looks very complex to a noob such as I.

Joined Jun 2019

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That is possible with…
Wed, 03/04/2020 - 01:05

That is possible with procedures and frankly, it isn't that hard, it's only kind of tiring.

Search for tutorials on yt, there is a lot.