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Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator
Hello MCreator! Here is my ideas and changes requests:
- Changing the Entity Max HP Value to 1024 due to MC's limitation.
- For entity/item sounds, why not doing something for putting multiple sounds.
- Custom Entity Spawn egg. I know, there's already a way for that, but why not adding that feature instead of making +1 mod element.
That's it.
Also to support Fabric Modding so we can mod with snapshots and are not limited by forge.
What do you think
Hmmm... Well, the only problem is that we can't already put mods on snapshots, only on official releases.
- Custom Entity Spawn egg
What do you mean you have to create a separate element?
It's right in the JSON code you just need to create a texture and use it
the texture
that the mob baby works once and for all I have been waiting 6 years
it seems they already added it
MCreator 2020.4 (upcoming version)
Improved navigation of mod element editor
The special tool tool-type now acts as a hand when breaking incompatible blocks
Added "convert item entity to itemstack" procedure
Added list view to the workspace mod elements browser
Improved texture editor performance
Entity x, y, and z dependencies are now passed with floating-point accuracy
Added new global triggers: sapling grows, entity struck by lightning, player fishes item, entity healed
Improved font rendering and font handling with characters of specific non-English languages
Added support for Git branches to remote workspace system
Added many new plugin features (check release notes)
Added breed AI task for breedable living entitites
add the option to import custom animations for mobs