Topic category: Feature requests and ideas for MCreator
Some of these features would be relatively easy to implement, while others, not so much. Making unique biomes isn't very easy with MCreator, so here are a few things that would make them easier!
Structure Tags: When adding structures to the resources tab, there would be an option to select the type of structure. This would be a dropdown menu with several tag options, in the case of biomes, there could be a tree tag, which would lable the structure as a tree.
More Trees: While setting up biomes, near the bottom, where the default trees option is located, would be a list slot. This list would have every tree type sorted, including custom structure trees. This would allow us to add more than one tree per biome, similar to the forest biome, which has both oak, and birch.
More Structure Block Detections: When creating structure spawns, there comes the issue of it spawning midair, take a house for example. Say this house has a balcony, and it spawns near a cliff. The balcony would get caught on the cliff, and the house would end up floating. Instead of having only two block detection types, there could be 3. This new method would only let the absolute lowest level of blocks detect a suitable spawn location. This would make spawning custom trees, boulders, or whatever else a lot easier to spawn!