Topic category: Help with MCreator software
Hi, I'm new to modding Minecraft and have made a mix of standard blocks with MCreator and blocks based on 3d models (Blockbench via json files) in MCreator. I have a few questions that I'll spread across different posts to keep the issues separate.
This question is about shadows. When I first started creating blocks based on 3d models from Blockbench I noticed shadows that were very different to the game blocks. It was most noticeable on blocks that were smaller than a standard block. For example, I created some vertical slabs (full height/width, half depth) and the front face was almost black. I found that be reducing the bounding box to the size of the model, it largely fixed the problem.
But I still see some noticeable shadowing on some of my custom blocks. The two pics below are wall sections I created (standard blocks not walls, 3/4 deep or 12pixels deep not 16).
Is this normal and to be expected? I can live with it, but it seems to be different to the rendering/shadowing on the regular game blocks.
I think it is related to Ambient occlusion of the model in Blockbench
Try uncheck "Ambient occlusion" box in the creation of your model and maybe it will work
I didn't try it but I also have issues with shadows of the models
Please let me know if it works
I just tried and it works, but the thing is: there is no ambient occlusion anymore so visually it's almost invisible but still looks a bit odd
Ambient occlusion is some sort of shadowing of the block depending on what blocks are next to it and it's in most 3D video games
Btw you can edit the ambient occlusion from true to false directly into the model folder of your project with notepad++ instead of re-importing your model :)
Where u find the ambient occlusion line in the notepad? I can't find it. Help me