What do the new entity iterator and immediate source entity code blocks do?

Started by LEN1802 on

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What do the new entity iterator and immediate source entity code blocks do?

Im kinda confused on what the new entity code blocks actually do, ive looked around at how they are used, and it seems to me that entity iterator would be used to , in some way, get a list of entities, and then use that list in the new for each entity in area command, but ive tried to do this, and it still says that entity is a required dependency, so im not sure what either of them do, id be very grateful if someone could explain them.

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Can you give me a definition…
Sun, 11/13/2022 - 15:41

Can you give me a definition instead of what an entity iterator? I am confused about what it is. I tried searching stuff up for it but nothing popped up for what I wanted

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The entity iterator is a…
Sun, 11/13/2022 - 16:34

The entity iterator is a temporary entity container. This is why in blocks like "for every entity as entity iterator do" you can replace entity iterator with any entity-type variable. Source entity is the "sourceentity" dependency provided by entity attack triggers. Hope this helps!