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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
Ok so, how do i exactly make a mob capable of chasing the mob in and out of the water (a Land-Water creature hybrid, an Anthro-Shark basically)
This is driving me crazy
Please i need help
Water entities moves a lot slow and if i give them doplhin grace they are faster than light (and sometimes doesn't even work)
And if i add the "enable walking" procedure they are both slow in water and doesn't move on land
i want to scream
I also would like an answer on this.
normally you can use a procedure to replace the water entity with the land entity when it is on blocks and vice versa
that would ruin the hole thing, the entity must be the same
this is the part that control movement on water, i guess something must be changed here to make it move on land too.. i tried some editing here but no luck
Have both wander around and swim randomly in the ai goal.
Make sure it can breathe water
Create a new procedure:
-If is Event/Target Entity in water
-|do return true
-return false
bro, how can i find
-If is Event/Target Entity in water