I want to make my entities glow (1.12.2)

Started by shadow on

Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions

Last seen on 16:37, 25. Jul 2024
Joined May 2020

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I want to make my entities glow (1.12.2)

I'm trying to make a bug that glows (emissive), I thought maybe if I right emissive texture in the code, it will work, but it doesn't. Here is the code:

  "_fv": 13,
  "_type": "mob",
  "definition": {
    "mobName": "Glow Bug",
    "mobLabel": "",
    "mobModelName": "Modelglowbug",
    "mobModelTexture": "glowbug.png",
    "mobModelEmissiveTexture": "glowbug.png",
    "modelWidth": 0.6,
    "modelHeight": 0.5,
    "modelShadowSize": 0.5,
    "mountedYOffset": 0.0,
    "hasSpawnEgg": true,
    "spawnEggBaseColor": {
      "value": -10066177,
      "falpha": 0.0
    "spawnEggDotColor": {
      "value": -6697729,
      "falpha": 0.0
    "creativeTab": {
      "value": "MISC"
    "isBoss": false,
    "bossBarColor": "PINK",
    "bossBarType": "PROGRESS",
    "equipmentMainHand": {
      "value": ""
    "equipmentOffHand": {
      "value": ""
    "equipmentHelmet": {
      "value": ""
    "equipmentBody": {
      "value": ""
    "equipmentLeggings": {
      "value": ""
    "equipmentBoots": {
      "value": ""
    "mobBehaviourType": "Creature",
    "mobCreatureType": "UNDEFINED",
    "attackStrength": 3,
    "attackKnockback": 0.0,
    "knockbackResistance": 0.0,
    "movementSpeed": 0.3,
    "armorBaseValue": 0.0,
    "trackingRange": 64,
    "health": 10,
    "xpAmount": 0,
    "waterMob": false,
    "flyingMob": false,
    "guiBoundTo": "<NONE>",
    "inventorySize": 9,
    "inventoryStackSize": 64,
    "disableCollisions": false,
    "ridable": false,
    "canControlForward": false,
    "canControlStrafe": false,
    "immuneToFire": false,
    "immuneToArrows": false,
    "immuneToFallDamage": false,
    "immuneToCactus": false,
    "immuneToDrowning": false,
    "immuneToLightning": false,
    "immuneToPotions": false,
    "immuneToPlayer": false,
    "mobDrop": {
      "value": "CUSTOM:GlowCell"
    "livingSound": {
      "value": ""
    "hurtSound": {
      "value": "entity.generic.hurt"
    "deathSound": {
      "value": "entity.generic.death"
    "stepSound": {
      "value": ""
    "spawnParticles": false,
    "particleToSpawn": {
      "value": "END_ROD"
    "particleSpawningShape": "Spread",
    "particleSpawningRadious": 0.0,
    "particleAmount": 2,
    "hasAI": true,
    "aiBase": "Blaze",
    "aixml": "<xml xmlns=\"https://developers.google.com/blockly/xml\"><block type=\"aitasks_container\" deletable=\"false\" x=\"40\" y=\"40\"><next><block type=\"panic_when_attacked\"><field name=\"speed\">2</field><field name=\"condition\">null,null</field><next><block type=\"wander\"><field name=\"speed\">1</field><field name=\"condition\">null,null</field><next><block type=\"look_around\"><field name=\"condition\">null,null</field><next><block type=\"swim_in_water\"><field name=\"condition\">null,null</field></block></next></block></next></block></next></block></next></block></xml>",
    "breedable": true,
    "tameable": false,
    "breedTriggerItems": [
        "value": "Items.SUGAR"
    "ranged": false,
    "rangedAttackItem": {
      "value": ""
    "rangedItemType": "Default item",
    "spawnThisMob": true,
    "doesDespawnWhenIdle": true,
    "spawningProbability": 20,
    "mobSpawningType": "creature",
    "minNumberOfMobsPerGroup": 4,
    "maxNumberOfMobsPerGroup": 4,
    "restrictionBiomes": [],
    "spawnInDungeons": false


What code should I write to make my entity glow, please help me.

Last seen on 15:11, 11. May 2024
Joined Jun 2022

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glowing potion effect or…
Fri, 03/31/2023 - 18:33

glowing potion effect or emit light like torch and glowstone?