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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
so im trying to make my mobs to Sit, i got the animations and goal right, but on the Tame code Mcreator 2021 generates below, i dont know where to add the command to actually make the mob Sit (engage the sitting animation), i tried like on 1.15 (worked), on the line marked // <--
} else {
if (this.isTamed()) {
if (this.isOwner(sourceentity)) {
if (item.isFood() && this.isBreedingItem(itemstack) && this.getHealth() < this.getMaxHealth()) {
this.consumeItemFromStack(sourceentity, itemstack);
this.heal((float) item.getFood().getHealing());
retval = ActionResultType.func_233537_a_(;
} else if (this.isBreedingItem(itemstack) && this.getHealth() < this.getMaxHealth()) {
this.consumeItemFromStack(sourceentity, itemstack);
retval = ActionResultType.func_233537_a_(;
} else {
retval = super.func_230254_b_(sourceentity, hand);
//this.sitGoal.setSitting(!this.isSitting()); // is it here?
ouch i insert the code but it came out so bad :(
what i need here is the code line to activate the SitGoal