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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
Hi there~~
I noticed there isn't a button to make armor items fire/lava proof. I tried to just pick the code for it from a lava proof sword but didn't work, so how do I do this?
Okay, I'm just an idiot, I was also copying the properties of tools (like attack speed).
Second try I realized what I had to do, but something was somehow wrong and it failed, so I came here to ask. I repeated the process a third time and it worked, so the solution is as simple as opening the code for your armor, find this line of code:
elements.items.add(() -> new ArmorItem(armormaterial, EquipmentSlotType.LEGS, new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.COMBAT)) {
and then add ".isImmuneToFire()", so it looks like this:
elements.items.add(() -> new ArmorItem(armormaterial, EquipmentSlotType.LEGS, new Item.Properties().group(ItemGroup.COMBAT).isImmuneToFire()) {
Do this for the 4 pieces, not only for one.
(Since this post turned out to be kinda useless for me not realizing what I was doing wrong, I took advantage of the situation to turn it into kind of a tutorial so it doesn't go to waste, now people with the same issue can go through it)