Too many bees

Started by Reael on

Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions

Last seen on 21:29, 7. Jun 2021
Joined Mar 2020

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Too many bees

So I just got back into Mcreator the other day and started my own dimension. I created a ustom biom to spawn only in the dimension and all is good.

A minor issue I have is that the portal in my dimension keeps spawning on top of trees but the main issue are bees.

There are bees everywhere.

The second I create an entity entry for bees they just spawn so massively it actually crashes the game. I have set them to ambient and creatur to see if it makes a difference, it doesn't. Spawnrate is set to 1, min group size 1, max group size 2. I tried to spawn other animals but there is just no space left. Despite setting the sheep spawnrate on 10 and min group sizes of 5 there is no single sheep. It's just all bees. The only other entities spawning are fish and they spawn normally (since there are no bees underwater to occupy the space I guess). I'm on thr newest version modding for 1.16.5 so it might be a bug? Or I'm missing something but since any other entity spawns normal when I disable the bees I don't think so?