Help with Specific Modding. Thank you. [Latest mcreator version 1.16.5]

Started by SkylieTuff on

Topic category: Help with modding (Java Edition)

Last seen on 22:41, 16. Oct 2023
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Help with Specific Modding. Thank you. [Latest mcreator version 1.16.5]

I tried making a music procedure in 1.16.5 and no background music played. Two were ambient and two were music.  I wanted these to be the music you hear that comes and goes, randomized by minecraft itself. 

Also trying to make a procedure where player has netherrite pickaxe in hand and will change it to the new pickaxe and consume the old one at night time and repeat during day so you get your netherrite pixkaxe back. I think I have the procedure correct, but it doesn't run because I think I need a world varaible set, which I have no clue how those work.

Also, trying to make it so when you are in the x dimension, random damage and particle and sound happens to you. I put it in the trigger upon entering but nothing happens. I'm thinking I need a timer variable which I don't know how to do.

Also, trying to make my boss mob only summonable via with player being in biome with less than 6 hearts, it summons it and heals the player. I tried but couldn't get any thing to work. Probably need another global variable. 

Finally, trying to make custom Liquid pool into an 8x5x5 area upwards but doesn't flow down. All of these would be beneficial to know. For latest 2024 for 1.16.5. The flos upwards density at -1 doesn't work, and I don't want the liquid to flow all the way up, just only 8 blocks high. 

Discord isn't helping me, no one responds. So any help on 1 or all of these would be very greatful.

Last seen on 21:56, 26. Jul 2024
Joined Mar 2021

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Copying what I've sent on…
Thu, 06/24/2021 - 21:02

Copying what I've sent on discord so maybe others will make use of it.


I think I have the procedure correct, but it doesn't run because I think I need a world varaible set, which I have no clue how those work.

You could use your on player tick trigger Check for axe in inventory and day time If night and axe in inventory, change to your custom axe. If day, change back

There's a huge possibility to exploit it though

You would have to add various checks and anti-exploit measurements

Simple ones such as durability, so it doesn't work like free fix

Enchantments going over

Also, trying to make it so when you are in the x dimension, random damage and particle and sound happens to you. I put it in the trigger upon entering but nothing happens. I'm thinking I need a timer variable which I don't know how to do.

Another on player tick trigger. Could use if random0,1 chance as well as simple NBT timer (set entity number NBT to: {get entity number NBT+1}) to avoid it happening one after another

Also, trying to make my boss mob only summonable via with player being in biome with less than 6 hearts, it summons it and heals the player. I tried but couldn't get any thing to work. Probably need another global variable.

No idea where you get the idea for global variables..

Another on player tick..

Just checking for player health..

Finally, trying to make custom Liquid pool into an 8x5x5 area upwards but doesn't flow down. All of these would be beneficial to know. For latest 2024 for 1.16.5. The flos upwards density at -1 doesn't work, and I don't want the liquid to flow all the way up, just only 8 blocks high.

Iirc there will be new cool options for fluids in upcoming snapshots/when the full update hits!