Cooldown Minimum?

Started by Stick_Surfer on

Topic category: Help with MCreator software

Joined May 2021

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Cooldown Minimum?

I've set an item's cooldown to 2 ticks (1/10th of a second), and it doesn't appear to come into effect.

Is there a minimum number for cooldowns? If so, how can I make it that my ranged weapon can shoot roughly 9 bullets per second?

There's no minimum, you can…
Mon, 08/23/2021 - 07:40

There's no minimum, you can even not set cooldown at all, from what I know.

The only things that makes it harder are:
1) player's ability (you should not rely on player clicking, but rather make "while" procedure shooting 9 times, since it's kinda tough to shoot 9 bullets per second with mouse)
2) HurtResistanceTime variable - it is basically cooldown for taking damage by entities; it is by default set to ~1 second, so if you shoot something faster than one per second, it won't work most probably. It is probably possible to change HurtResistanceTime to 0 (quite a lot of modders use that), but unfortunately I don't have an idea how to do that : /