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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
I want to make rapiers that on right-click can dash forward then have a cooldown. I also want the gold rapier to teleport towards your mouse at the cost of 1 heart. how can I do this?
Edited by bolognaguy on Wed, 08/11/2021 - 20:39
yo. I feel sorry for this guy, he still didn't get a response after all this time. RIP
yeah, I don't think I am gonna get a response so it imma just see if I can find anything similar on the forums/wiki. ;-;
Here's a response for the second question:
You can use the "set location" block in the Entity Management section, and replace "x", "y", and "z" with "look x", "look y", and "look z" (which you can find in Minecraft Components). Then, you can use the "deal damage" block or "deal custom damage" block (though in the case of the latter, you need to define the custom death message, but there's a tutorial on the forum).
I can't respond to the first (sorry), as I'm also trying to find something that does the same
well, thanks for help making the gold one. greatly appreciated.
I think perhaps if I use those look blocks I can make the dash, by using the override movement vector block and some work.
Try this, just scroll down and youll find some stuff
managed to get it working via moving in a direction, right-clicking, then dashing in that direction.
guys how to make shotgun that shoot multiple bullets
The simple way for that (one that i'm currently using for testing) is giving the player like Speed 10 or something like that for about 5 ticks or so, and adding the block that checks if the player is on ground, if it is then it gives the effect and if you're walking it seems like you dash, obviously is the simple way and doesn't look that nice, but the functionallity is there
you can do this
IF: [{direction of event/target entity} = {south/north/east/west}]
//do: {override motion vector of event/target entity vx: () vy: () vz: ()}
P.S. your going to have to make 4 of these one for each direction (north, south, east, and west) and your going to need to change the number in the "vx, and vz" spots depending on how far they dash, and what direction the player is dashing towards
Hope this helps if you have a question please respond in this forum