Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
I Wanna to do a mod that add pills based no the binding of Isaac pills, the effects are Easy, i only need to use /atributte, but I have a problem whit a thing: Pills will be Random per world (the orange pill can give you Healt up in a world, but in other, can be Speed down) and I dont now how to do a random chance base to set what effect gives orange pill, i now about Random 0.1, but i Wanna that the chance be fair, if I use:
If Random 0,1 ≥ 0,5 do
Set text variable "orange pill effect" to "Healt up"
If not
Set text variable "orange pill effect" to Healt down
The problem is: that procedure only work for two effects, but i Wanna to add More effects, somenone can help me? Please
I have no problem whit evade that a pill gives the same effect of another pill.
I try the next procedure:
Set "variable" to Random 0,1
If "variable" ≥ 0,49 do
Set "orange pill effect" to "Healt down"
If "variable" ≤ 0,5 do
Set "orange pill effect" to Healt up
It dont work, i do it bad or what happened?
Please help ;_;
Instead of only having two ranges (0-0.49 and 0.51-1), you can set a variable to a random number 0-1, then have multiple if statements to determine which value you want to use. Example: Your random variable is set to 0-1. You have one if statement checking for that variable being 0-0.2, another to check for 0.21-0.4, another for 0.41-0.5, etc. Each one of these ranges will be your output (which effect the pill will grant). You just need to make sure that you divide the 0-1 range equally depending on how many effects you want to be possible for the pill.
Thanks, it work :D