Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions
Almost every single time I go to edit a procedure that contains a sound procedure in it, it glitches out & switches to ambient.basalt_deltas.additions (or the first sound in the list), and most of the sounds become undefined. I've tried a couple of things to correct it, and usually this glitch happens after a few minutes of MCreator being open, It sometimes fixes itself with a restart, but I'm not a fan of restarting MCreator every 5 minutes just to work on 2 procedures that have sound files in them.
It's starting to wear down my patience while working on several procedures that work better with sounds (Log Stripping & Plant Bonemeal procedures).
I'm having to re-check my older procedures just to ensure the sounds are actually linked to the right ones.
Anyone know of a way to mitigate this?
I would like to mention that this also happens when copying a sound procedure