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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
I'm making an enchantment that makes dropped items not despawn and makes them invulnerable. I can't change NBT tags of the items, however. Is there a different block I should use?
Do something like this:
Execute command / "data merge entity @s {Invulnerable:1b,Age:-32000}" in the name of event/target entity
Hey! When it is possible to manage dropped items, can you please help me with changing itemstack's NBT while it's dropped and i don't have the Entity given, only the Itemstack value.
This is an issue I've run into as well, I really wish there was a "convert itemstack to entity" block for this reason alone. I guess an option would be to use the "Spawn dropped item at x y z pickup delay despawn" and then detect it as an entity using a "for each entity as entity iterator at x y z in square cube with size". But either way, the workaround is annoying.