Autominer machines

Started by KEJWII on

Topic category: Minecraft mod ideas exchange

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Autominer machines


As you know, minecraft is a game in which you can not do digging in search of the desired raw materials, and you often have to dig over 1 million blocks to have the desired amount of diamonds / emeralds most often. Have you ever wondered about allocating this work to some machine? such as Autominer? there are so many mods that add machines out there, but none offer what you want or just doesn't exist!

My concept of fashion is this.

Autominers and ore chunks

Let's start with "Ore chunks". Ore chunks would be other ores than vanilla would appear infrequently, and after normal extraction, nothing would fall out of them and an autominer would be needed for these ore clusters. Autominer basic / advanced / large, i.e. a machine that digs this ore endlessly, which is a small / medium / large multi-block and thanks to it, you can get this ore (basic would dig slowly, but large autominer would dig up quickly).

Ore chunks would include:
And modded ores:
Energized redstone
And other

While playing Space Engineers with the Autominer v2.0 mod, I came up with this idea and it encouraged me to share this concept because there is NO MODE for minecraft that includes this mechanic instead of digging blocks as "Drills, mining machine"

I would like such a mod to be created and also offer other machines needed to create these machines

Joined May 2020

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This is not the kind of…
Sun, 10/10/2021 - 06:45

This is not the kind of autominer I mean, but one that would rely on these "Ore chunks" or ore deposits (in the shape of a ball, for example) that would occur very rarely to force the construction of distant excavations that do not exploit the landscape