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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
So im trying to create a new fishing rod that has its own loot pool. ive found the vanila loot pool but i cant for the life of me figure out how to make my custom fishing rod pull from the new loot pool instead of the old one. any help would be greatly appreciated.
I think you need to do item/fishing_rod
on the title or smt like that. don't remember honestly, but you should be able to figure it out from here
Struggling with this as well. I have a custom fishing rod called "irbf_fishing_rod" and i want it to use the "irbfloot" loot pool that i created. What should i use for...
loot table registry name? Should i use gameplay?, item? tool? not sure which is correct here.
loot table namespace? - Should i choose "minecraft" or "mod" in this situation? I want only the custom fishing rod to be able use the loot pool i created.
loot table type? I am assuming just "Fishing" here?
Is there something special i need to do to link the loot pool to a specific item? Any help is appreciated, thanks.
probably Item Mod Fishing, idk haven't created a fishing rod myself yet