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Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
I have a procedure to be able to fly, but with elytra system, what it means is that: Using Better Procedure Plugin, i can start elytra gliding for player, i have a Keybind W called Move While Flying, when pressing W, the player will start moving and can go up or down depending on where the mouse is facing, but when u go up using elytra, u slow down until u completly stop moving, so how can i edit the elytra flying speed and keep it at a certain speed?
Set "entity" fly speed to: #
doesn't work?
Nope, affect Creative Fly Speed, not Elytra Fly Speed
Any Ideas?
The procedure should look like this:
But be very cautious with those values, anything higher will make you fly thousands of blocks away. At first I tried 2, and it sent me about several million blocks out (the game crashed), 1.5 sent me several hunderd thousand blocks out (the game also crashed, could not land, and went straight to the void), 1.005 shoots you about 120 blocks up and increases your flying speed reasonably faster. You will be up in the skies for several minutes. Play with those values, it might crash several times.
I Tried that, for Y Velocity its okay, the player will move if he is pressing W and if he will go up depending on the mouse direction, but changing the flying speed is still a problem, when i give a * Value to X and Z velocity, i can't control the direction i go, If it was possible to applie Rocket Boost without having Rocket and without the particule...