Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
I checked the first few pages after doing a few searches of keywords for my issue. I've found a few forum posts mentioning this but nothing that I was able to use or understand to solve the issue. I created items that launch projectiles which upon impact will spawn a custom entity tamed by the user. This was working fine until a recent update to Mcreator made this spawn 2 of the entities instead of 1. The idea is that the item has a 2-minute cooldown. The custom entity should last 30 seconds and then despawn. Everything seems to be working except for the double spawning. If anyone sees anything else that could be improved, please let me know. Thank you for your time. Here are some screenshots.
Projectile Hits Entity
Projectile Hits Block
Ranged Item Used
For some reason the images aren't loading (at least for me)
Not sure why the screenshots aren't loading. I apologize for the inconvenience.