"When this GUI is opened" trigger doesn't work correctly!

Started by minetypy on

Topic category: Troubleshooting, bugs, and solutions

Joined Mar 2022

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"When this GUI is opened" trigger doesn't work correctly!

I've wanted to make a GUI for a block that saves String or text and it worked but when I tried to automatically put back the text in the text field using "when this GUI opened" it doesn't work even if the trigger Has the dependency "guistate" which allow me to edit the text field, I tried using a manual button to get the text and it worked, then I found out that the trigger does work with other procedure blocks like spawn entity, send in chat and else, that means the trigger have an error that stop it from editing the text field in the GUI and this made the problem that I can't automatically display the previously saved text in the block(or anything else) instead I need to manually click the button and that is the only solution. I wish this get fixed in 2022.2 and thx