Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)
Good evening,
I'm working on my first mod but have run into a snag I hadn't expected.
My mod is based on sticks and has a custom stick item for each vanilla tree (Except oak, which I'm leaving as the MC stick). I want birch sticks to fall from birch leaves, acacia from acacia leaves, etc.
Searching for tutorials, everyone I've seen uses entities and not blocks in their loot tables and procedures... and those who use blocks only use mod blocks and not vanilla blocks.
Can someone help steer me in the right direction with an example of how to drop a mod item to vanilla MC leaves block when broken? I'm not sure if the procedure I made is not written correctly or if I have not set up my loot table correctly. I can usually google or reverse engineer things to understand them but this one has me very stumped.
Thank you for any assistance. I appreciate it a lot.
loot tables works too for blocks.
to modify the drop for the leaves block set the settings of it to
blocks/birch_leaves (the ID of the block have to do manually with all the leaves)
and set the odds in the table
problems here are mainly wrong IDs
Thank you, Kyoukster. I have tried creating a loot table but do I need to have some kind of trigger for it to work? I have the loot table just like you said and it doesn't drop anything new. I took down over a dozen birch trees and no sticks or leaves.
I have the leaves in there because they're needed for a recipe.
Hey, I am trying to do this but nothing is working. When I switch the leaves it another block something happens, but the leaves wont drop my item.
I have pushed this to the side for now and started focusing on other things because I cannot get it to work. If you find anything out, please share.
I actually found a way, but you need to make a procedure for the drop, and dont add the leaves and sappling as those wont be messed with. Instead, add air and your new drop, do the calculations for the right drop rate in the loot table page.