Generation of crystal blocks

Started by Yharon Soup on

Topic category: Help with Minecraft modding (Java Edition)

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Generation of crystal blocks

Hi, everyone! I am not really an mcreator expert but decided to make something. I made crystal blocks but i can't make then to generate them like on screenshot. What is a way to do something like that? screenshot

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If you want them to generate…
Thu, 11/03/2022 - 02:44

If you want them to generate underground, you'll need to make a structure that consists of the block.

  • Save six different structures that consist of your custom crystal block facing different directions.
  • Make six different structure files in your workspace, one for each direction. For each condition, the structure should check if there is air in its position, and check if there is a block next to it in the correct direction. (For example; the crystal attatched to the east side of a block should have a condition that the block next to it must be facing east.)
  • Set all of the generation chances to 1,000,000. Underground structures that require air to generate are kind of tricky, and you may have to make duplicates of the structure files to get a good amount.
  • If you want the crystals to generate in groups, you can use the built in structure group size feature; or, alternatively, add another procedure that generates more of the crystals on nearby blocks. (I'd recommend modifying the 'search for block in 6*6 cube template procedure.)