Big structures

Started by Faruk Arda on

Topic category: Plugins and third-party tools

Joined Mar 2022

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Big structures

I looked for a ton of ways to get rid of the limit or expend it, but none of them worked; so I am asking for the Mcreator community to make a schematic plugin for Mcreator. Sponge schematics are what world edit uses to save and load structures; also it comes with a ton of more options like saving the biome and entities; with no limit of size and load them. Also I know about the other way of saveing large structures with procedures, but it just takes a lot of time and sometimes it doesn't even work properly.

Joined Mar 2022

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Even if people doesn't careā€¦
Tue, 02/21/2023 - 17:01

Even if people doesn't care enough to make a plugin, could you please tell me another way of saveing large structures if you know about another way of doing this.