[TUTORIAL] How to make your own custom biomes in the end

Started by Galinho_Nerd on

Topic category: User side tutorials

Active 7 months ago
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[TUTORIAL] How to make your own custom biomes in the end

Hello! today, i am gonna show you how to make your OWN custom biomes in the END! This method works on Forge/Fabric Workspaces, and all MCreator Versions

STEP 1: Create some cool lookin' blocks for your biome! this is optional, as that you can make a biome with already existing blocks in minecraft

STEP 2: Load up the game and create a new structure, using your new blocks that you've created, i like to do a square in a format of 20x1 TIP: Cut the corners of your square by breaking the blocks, if you do this, it will blend with the terrain ( if you want to blend, use structure voids ) i will not go into the process of creating & saving a structure in Minecraft, but you can search it on Google or Youtube

STEP 3: Import the structure from minecraft to MCreator!!! if you did create the structure on the MCreator client, go to the Resources tab in your workspace, and then structures, and press import structure from minecraft, a list will pop up, and you can select your structure, if you did create your structure in Minecraft, Resources tab in your workspace, and then structures, and then press Import Structure File, and then go to: c:/users/home/appdata/roaming/.minecraft/saves/yourworld/generated/minecraft/structures | In the "yourworld" put the name of your world that you've created the structure on

STEP 4: Create the structure element! Go to the "+" in your workspace and then add a structure mod element, and then, select your imported structure, in the Spawn Probabilty ( number of structures per 1.000.000 chunks ) i would not put more than 15k, because the other tab is structure group size, if you want a expansive biome, put the min. and max. of spawning together of 16, and your biome will be PRETTY big, i would put min. 11 and max. 16, as that the biome will not be that big, we can jump the other settings, and put the spawn location to ground, or air if you want to be a floating biome, in the Spawn World Types, put The End "of course" and then Restrict to block types, put to End Stone, as that the biome will NOT be generating in the void, and in the Restrict to biome types, put to all the biomes, unless "The End" biome and "Small End Islands" just turn it on if you want to make a floating biome, and then, BOOM! you will have an end biome! now save the mod element and play the game! OBS: if you put structures OFF in your world settings, the biome will NOT spawn

Thanks for reading this!

Active 4 hours ago
Joined Jan 2022

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wow thats good
Tue, 05/23/2023 - 16:17

wow thats good

Active 7 months ago
Joined Mar 2023

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Fri, 05/26/2023 - 20:04
