Stone World

Published by Khris on
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Get excited! This mod brings the world of Dr. Stone into Minecraft! The mod goes up to the New America Arc, so if you haven't reached that point in the anime/manga, I recommend you watch/read it, because there's something in this mod that could be considered a spoiler. So, what does this mod add besides that? It adds the necessities to revive the statues scattered around your world, if you find any.


To start, things have changed a bit. First of all, you can't punch trees anymore because that is not realistic. Instead, you must break leaves to get sticks, and find gravel to get flint to make a dagger to cut some grass, THEN you'll have to make an axe with those 3 things to be able to cut wood! If you want to revive a statue, you have to find the ingredients first. Nitric acid from bats, and wine from sweet berries. A person might appear out from the statue.


The traveler- They only appear if you revive them! If you want them to help you on your adventures, you must tempt them with emeralds to get them to follow you. Once you "tame" them, you can give them some armor and weapons to make them stronger. The equipment has to be un-enchanted in order to give it to them.


To make Senku-Cola, you need honey from bees, a lime, which can be gotten from tree leaves (oak and jungle), a fern, and a potion. Don't tell Gen that I told you how to make this.


If you're in a cold biome (snow plains, taiga, mountains, etc.), you'll begin to freeze! It's not instant, but you'll have about 30 seconds before you start taking damage quickly! You'll need to wear leather armor to combat the intense cold from now on! There's also an electromagnet, it does nothing as of right now... It will one day.


**Spoiler warning for Treasure Island Arc** ignore it if you haven't read/watched this part yet

  • The Medusa (or just petrification weapon) is an item that petrifies living things in a radius (In this case, 5 block radius) with a time of activation (1 second)

    If you happen to get petrified somehow, albeit the potions, you won't be able to move, jump, or see. You need someone to revive you with the revival fluid, assuming it works or if they're nice enough. You'll get healed of any injuries you may have sustained as well.

    **New America Arc** There's corn to be found in tall grass if you have an axe and take a swing at it!

    - End of Spoilers

As always, use JEI (just enough items) if you don't know what you're doing. Any suggestions are appreciated in the comments!

Minecraft mod files
Stone World_0.jar Uploaded on: 02/12/2025 - 00:08   File size: 4.79 MB
  • Added an Oxygen Tank, which allows you to be underwater for a little while.

    -  Added a Globe; Tells you your current coordinates/position (No more needing to press F3 anymore)

    - You won't freeze as often anymore, or at all with a leather chest plate.


At least from what I've heard, this mod seems inspired from the anime Dr. Stone (I don't watch anime because I have a negative amount of lives, so feel free to correct me). Also, now bats have a use, amazing! I think if I made a new use for bats, it would be the opposite of a cure for obvious reasons... This RPG-style type of mods feels interesting, keep up!

This looks amazing! I just dropped a new mod too, It's called "Lunacy: The World Of RPG". We should do some sort of colab!