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Aftonite Additions
The new official name of the mod.
This mod allows you to find and mine vanilla Overworld ores in the Nether. Spawn rates for all the ores in the Nether are the exact same as the Overworld.
The mod adds a 1 new ore to the End called "Aftonite". Aftonite is a strong gem that can be found on the surfaces of the End. With the same spawn rates as ancient debris, therefore it'll be tough to spot out. However fortune does not work on this ore.
Aftonite can be turned into a block and when using the smithing table, you can fuse it with netherite gear to create aftonite gear. This gear will grant you some protection against your next fight with the Warden. Last but not least the aftonite pickaxe with efficiency 5 and haste 2 will allow you to tear through the awful deepslate.
ATTENTION (7/27/23) - Hello everyone Phoenix here, so I have completely finished the mod and I'm very proud of what we have made. By no means is this completely professional but I have tried my best. I ran into an issue back in May where custom potion were not showing in JEI. Therefore I rubbed my 2 brain cells together and made a guide that you will spawn in with. I will list the + and -'s of the mod in the update description, make sure you check it out.
1.20.1 IS HERE!!!!
ATTENTION (1/23/24) - Thank you everyone for be patient with this one. In October a lot in my life has happened, however I am doing a lot better now and hope to see everyone enjoying the mod soon. I have finally got 1.20.1 finished and will be uploaded the day of this message. Thank you for all the support, hope to hear from some of y'all soon. Also if you notice any bugs please let me know. :)
ATTENTION (4/25/24) - Again I want to thank everyone for the support. As of now the mod is complete and I will not longer be adding any new features to the mod. However I will update the mod to newer versions starting with 1.20.5 so we call all experience new wolf textures while playing aftonite. This may actually lead to aftonite armor for wolfs - maybe. ;)
GOOGLE FORM LINK : https://forms.gle/NVCgU4nvA4JP2ELg6
Small update to typo - nothing major.