Redpikmin's Cosmog Mod

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Cosmog, the Nebula Pokemon, has been added to your world in this mod!



New mob, Cosmog. It can be tamed if fed Star Candy.

New Item, Star Candy. This item is only edible by those without teeth.

New Item, Cosmog Shard. An item made from the Ender Dragon's Egg. Talk about the egg being useful for once!

New command, Cosmogmod. This command teleports the nearest Cosmog to the user.

New command, Cosmogmodtutorial. This command gives a tutorial about the mod.

Cosmog also interacts with the world, such as letting you know when it kills something, dies and even takes damage!

New mob, Nihilego. This childish Pokemon will attack you!

New mob, Wither with Cosmoem. The Wither can carry Cosmoem in its ribcage and their sounds are combined too!


Upcoming versions:

Cosmog face expression update: This update gives Cosmog over 10+ facial expressions!

Minecraft mod files
redpikmins_cosmog_mod-1.0.0-neoforge-1.20.4.jar - The Mod data. Uploaded on: 11/27/2024 - 22:14   File size: 3.99 MB

Version 1.0.0: Mod Release!
Version 1.10: Added new sounds, Nihilego, Cosmoem, and Cosmog's Cage!