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# Minecraft With Stats
**Minecraft With Stats** adds a stat system where players can upgrade stats like **Mining Speed**, **Strength**, **Defense**, and more. Increase your stats by collecting **Stat Upgrade Points** with **Luck** when killing mobs or by crafting **Stat Tokens**. The **Stat Menu** can be accessed by pressing **M** (customizable in the Minecraft controls settings).
## Key Features:
- **Customizable Stats**: Upgrade stats like **Mining Speed**, **Strength**, **Crit Chance**, and more.
- **Stat Upgrade Points**: Earn points through **Luck** when killing mobs or craft **Stat Tokens** to enhance your stats.
- **Stat Menu**: Open the **Stat Menu** with the **M** key (can be changed in the controls settings).
- **Dynamic Gameplay**: Modify mining, combat, and farming efficiency based on your stats.
## Upgradable Stats Include:
- **Max Health**
- **Speed**
- **Crit Chance**
- **Crit Damage**
- **Defense**
- **Strength**
- **KB Resistance**
- **Life Steal**
- **Luck**
- **Hunger**
- **Farming Yield**
- **Mining Speed**
- **Mining Fortune**
## How to Play:
- Collect **Stat Upgrade Points** with **Luck** by killing mobs or craft **Stat Tokens** to improve your stats.
- Enhance your mining, combat, and farming abilities as you progress.
