The Overall Items The Mod add
WARNING : this mod is still in beta (its first versions) there might be some bugs if found one feel free to tell me so i can fix it
This mod is my first mod YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
this mod add few things :
LuckyBag: just like loot bags lucky bags have a 10% chance of droping from any entity (mobs,animals,etc...)
the lucky bag have chance of droping;
a chance of droping nothing (yea you might get unlucky..)
a high chance of droping (seeds,bricks)
a normal chance of droping (wheat,coal)
a very rare chance of droping (ironingot,gloden apple)
i will try to add more stuff every update suggest me what should i add
Thief : this is a mob that spawns anywere in the world (exept nether and end)
and it has a 100% of droping wooden sword and 50% of droping 2 wood swords (IDK why wood sword :d)'
and it has a very rare chance of droping iron ingot
(this mob is very buggy so it has a high chance of not attacking you..)
DevaLog : its a cool decoration block and used in recipes
to craft it you need 8 logs of any kind place them in a square the crafting table and you will get 1
DevaEssence : this is used in other recipes
to craft it put 1 DevaLog in the middle of a crafting table and sround it with seeds to make plus (dont put seeds in the corners)
Divine Sonic : this is a really good item
it gives you (Speed,JumpBoost,Abosrbstion(IDK if i said it right),Damage Resistance And Strength) as long as you hold right click on the item
to make it you will need to put a golden apple in the middle of a crafting table sround it with DevaEssence and put Diamond in the corners
Please suggest me ideas and report bugs if you found
why don't you give the thieves like a 50% or maybe a 10% chance of dropping a loot bag and make tiered loot bags where the highest has a like 10% chance of giving a diamond and have higher level thieves with swords that represent their rank like diamond thieves have more health and a diamond sword but have a chance to drop high level loot bag?
I'm not sure how easy this would be to implement into the mod (i haven't tried )its just a little idea i came up with