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SPANISH WIKI /// WIKI EN ESPAÑOL: https://craftonia-wiki.fandom.com/es/wiki/Craftonia_Dimension
This mod adds a new dimension! You can get into this dimension by making a nether-like portal with citrine blocks and opening it with a ''Wand of Craftonia''.
This dimension is like a second overworld with unique biomes, blocks and mobs, this means you can totally make a survival play in this dimension from scratch.
The basic thing you need to know to start with this mod is that there's a new ore in the overworld and it's the citrine ore.
Mobs you can find and where:
fapdos: FapdosVillage
Berdugo: FapdosVillage
Avril: BlueHills & UnknownValley
Vinicio: BlueHills, CraftoniaFields
Inotsa: CraftoniaFields, PurpleFields
Untoldos: BlueForest, CraftoniaForest
Falk: BlueHills, CraftoniaForest & UnknownValley
Shadow fapdos: FapdosVillage
Lumiere: PurpleFields, CraftoniaForest
Hamber: CraftoniaFields, CraftoniaForest, PurpleFields
Hamber (aggressive): CraftoniaFields, CraftoniaForest, PurpleFields
Sodpaf: BlueForest
Gletchior: BlueHills, CraftoniaFields & MindlessLands
Glitched Gletchior: PurpleFields
Soulstone fapdos: FapdosVillage
Florspod: BlueForest
Sparkling: BlueForest
Soulstone Avril: BlueHills
Hoto: FapdosVillage
Monstrosity fapdos: BlueHills
Sketch fapdos: CraftoniaFields, CraftoniaForest & DeathNether
Kirmuz: CraftoniaFields
Ushiuru: PurpleFields
Golden Gletchior: CraftoniaDesert & MindlessLands
Him: CraftoniaDesert
The Doll: CraftoniaDesert
Sandsect: CraftoniaDesert
Molten slime: Breaking fake lapislazuli
Drizzle slime: Breaking fake lapislazuli & CraftoniaTundra
Squox: CraftoniaDesert & CraftoniaTundra
Devinion (Red): Breaking red devite
Devinion (Green): Breaking green devite
Devinion (Yellow): Breaking yellow devite
Golden Him: DeathNether
Nimo: DeathNether
Radioactive Nimo: DeathNether
Creepy guy: Deathnether
Sad guy: Deathnether
Ominous guy: Deathnether
Noali: DreamField
RainyShadow: DreamField
Love guy: DreamWorld
Bored guy: DreamWorld
Jealous guy: DreamWorld
Peetry: CraftoniaDesert & UnknownValley
Monstrosity Avril: CraftoniaTundra, MindlessLands & UnknownValley
Clemen: CraftoniaTundra
Gowpette: Upon crafting Gowpette's mask
Themselves: Upon placing a last chance block
Prizlet: CloudsGarden
fapdos: Potatoes, Carrots & Empty sachet
Berdugo: Iron ingot, Poppy & Plentiful sachet
Avril: Iron ingot, String, Spider eye & Empty sachet
Vinicio: Bone, Phantom membrane & Empty sachet
Inotsa: Raw inotsa meat, Feather & Empty sachet
Untoldos: Beetroot seeds & Empty sachet
Falk: Ink sac, Phantom membrane & Plentiful sachet
Shadow fapdos: Dark essence & Plentiful sachet
Lumière: Luminous substance & Sachet
Hamber: Cookie, Phantom membrane & Empty sachet
Aggressive Hamber: Rotten flesh, Cookie, Potato, Phantom membrane & Empty sachet
Sodpaf: Melon seeds, Potato, Rotten flesh & Sachet
Gletchior: Ender pearl, Sachet, Carrot & Potato
Glitched Gletchior: Ender pearl, Plentiful sachet, Carrot & Potato
Golden Gletchior: Rotten flesh, Gold nugget, Chorus Fruit & Plentuful sachet
ACHEAEMEBEERRE: Dark essence, Phantom membrane & Sachet
Soulstone fapdos: Soulstone & Sachet
Florspod: Florspod roots & Blue Orchid
Sparkling: Rotten flesh, Gold nugget, Gold ingot, Luminous substance & Empty sachet
Soulstone Avril: Soulstone, String, Iron nugget & Sachet
Hoto: Gunpowder, Hoto shot & Sachet
Monstrosity fapdos: Rotten flesh, Emerald, Potato & Plentiful sachet
Plastic fapdos: Redstone, Microphone & Iron nuggets
Sketch fapdos: Rotten flesh, Golden sword, Sachet, Ink sac, Gold ingot & Gold nugget
Kirmuz: Viscous mass, Slime ball & Empty sachet
Ushiuru: White wool, Raw beef & Empty sachet
Him: Rotten flesh, Slime ball, Iron ingots, Potatoes & Carrots
The Doll: Leather, Feather, String & Dark essence
Sandsect: Raw sandsect, Feather, Red Sand, Spider eyes & Strings
Molten slime: Magma cream
Drizzle slime: Wet balls
Squox: Colorful box, Sachet & Plentiful sachet
Devinion (Red): Blaze rods
Devinion (Green): Lapislazuli blocks
Devinion (Yellow): Prismarine shards
Golden Him: Rotten flesh, Gold nugget & Gold ingot
Nimo: Nothing
Nimo (Boss): Luminous glass
Radioactive Nimo: Nothing
Radioactive Nimo (Boss): Dark glass & Nether Star
Creepy guy: Creepy mask
Sad guy: Sad mask
Ominous guy: Ominous mask
Love guy: Love mask
Bored guy: Bored mask
Jealous guy: Jealous mask
RainyShadow: Ectoplasm
Noali: Gold nuggets & Gold ingots
Peetry: Coal & Peetry
Monstrosity Avril: Emeralds, Strings, Spider eyes, Enchanted golden apple & Plentiful sachet
Clemen: Crystallized ice & Ice
Gowpette: Gowpette's mask & Ender pearls
Themselves: End With Everything & Ectoplasm
Prizlet: Dream star, Sachet & Phantom membrane
Breeding information about the mobs:
Some mobs from this mod can have babies if you give them certain items, here you have a list:
fapdos: Kumquat, melon seeds, pumpkin seeds, wheat seeds, beetroot seeds and florspod root
Inotsa: Florspod root, beetroot seeds and wheat seeds
Kirmuz: Carrots, golden carrots and wheat
Ushiuru: Wheat
Untoldos: Cookies, florspod root, raw sandsect and cooked sandsect
How to get some specific items and blocks:
Dimensional Hook
Citrine ore: any cave at layers 63-4 (in the overworld) --- Any Craftonia cave at layers 32-16 (in Craftonia)
Charoite: only from smelting the block ''charoite stone'', which only generates in the biome FapdosVillage at layers 46-1 and you can also obtain it from sachets.
Free soul: only from breaking the block ''caged souls'', which only generates in the biome BlueHills at layers 51-7
Happy soul: you craft it with a free soul, luminous substance and dark essence. You can also obtain it from sachets.
Aventurine: you get it from smelting aventurine ores, which generate in any cave from Craftonia at layers 20-16
Strawberry obsidian shard: you get it from bountiful sachets and also from breaking strawberry obsidian, which generates in caves from Craftonia at layers 17-15.
Chalk block: you craft it from chalk, which is obtained when breaking chalk blocks, which generates at layers 79-5 in any cave from Craftonia.
Onitite: you get it from smelting onitite ores, which generate in any cave from Craftonia at layers 99-2
Soulstone: you get it from killing Soulstone fapdos, who generates in the biome FapdosVillage, and from killing Soulstone Avril, who generates in the biome BlueHills.
Glowing light: You get it from crafting it with glowing shards, which are obtained when breaking glowing light, which generates the DeathNether. It generates at the bottom of the world.
Death Stone Bricks: You get it from crafting it with death bricks, which are obtained from smelting death stone, which is the block the biome DeathNether is made of.
Fossilized Peetry: You get it rarely from killing Peetry, who spawns in the biome CraftoniaDesert. You can also get it from caves of the biome CraftoniaFields at layers 110-2.
Florspod Root: You get it from killing Florspod, who spawns in the biome BlueForest.
Craftonia Soulsand: It generates in the biome UnknownVillage, from the Death Nether.
Free soul: only from breaking the block ''caged souls'', which only generates in the biome BlueHills at layers 51-7
Luminous Glass: you get it from killing Nimo (boss), who spawns in the biome DeathNether.
Dark Glass: you get it from killing Radioactive Nimo (boss), who spawns in the biome DeathNether.
Last Chance Block
Ectoplasm: You get it from killing RainyShadow, who spawns in the biome DreamFields.
Blacklight: It generates anywhere in the biome MindlessLands
Dream star: You get it from breaking dream clouds, which is the block the biome CloudsGarden is made of. You can also get it from the biome DreamFields.
How to get started
Make this portal and open it with the wand, the mod will explain you the rest once you enter this dimension!
More screenshots of what does this mod offer:
You can see more on the ''images'' section of this page!
This mod is translated into Spanish and Latin Spanish.
Mod made by fapdos
Craftonia Dimension 3.2.1 ''Take some fruits on these trying times''
=== Additions ===
-Added Fruitube (it's a fruit you have a 20% chance of obtaining when breaking blue leaves)
-Added Twinklefruit (it's a fruit you have a 20% chance of obtaining when breaking red leaves)
-Added Purperry (it's a fruit you have a 20% chance of obtaining when breaking purple leaves)
-Added Rainbow Lemon (it's a fruit you have a 20% chance of obtaining when breaking colourful leaves)
-Added a fun little secret :)
=== Changes ===
-Leaves now have a 10% chance of giving themselves when broken and a 20% chance of giving their respective fruit.
-Shadow fapdos now has emissive textures.
-Dry ferns are now used for crafting the Craftonia guide.
-Dry ferns now have a 50% chance of dropping sticks, a 30% chance of dropping itself and a 20% chance of dropping nothing.
-Updated Corruptopolis' foliage coloration.
=== Fixes ===
-Fixed dry ferns being impossible to pick up.
-Fixed most blocks being impossible to break by hand.
the description is really really dettailed, good job! the mod also adds a lot of content, there is tons of stuff here!
you may improve the textures that look old and not much detailed, but this mod can be easily motw this week