Magical Gems

Published by fulimester on
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Magical Gems Mod


This Mod adds Gems to the game, which can be used to add special abilities in a Forge Table to Netherite Tools, Netherite Swords and Netherite Armor – a specific type of Gem can only be equipped to one of these, depending on the type of the Gem. One tool/sword/piece of armor can only have one type of Gem equipped to it, a total of 3 times, making its special ability stronger and stronger every time.

Gems can be crafted using 9 Gem Shards of the same Gem type. You can get Gem Shards from Gem Geodes, that can be found in the Overworld, the Nether and the End as well. They are 2x as common as Diamonds and drop 2-4 random Gem Shards.

You can also craft Gem Blocks using 1 Gem of the same type surrounded by 4 Gem Shards, also of the same type. Gem Blocks have a similar ability as their Gem counterpart however, instead of being able to equip them to Items, their abilities activate when a player/mob steps on them – except for the Area Gem Block (see below in the List of All Features).


My goals with this Mod was NOT to create overpowered Items that break the game! I wanted to make interesting and useful Items for the endgame of Minecraft, while also trying to make them feel as close to Vanilla as possible - I hope I managed to achieve that goal!

v1.0 Update

Website Changes

--Added Clips for more features

--Made a new Twitter Account for Sneak Peeks, notifications on when an Update drops and more! Go check it out!


Changes to upgrading Items

  • Previous Upgrade system: You put a Level 0, Level 1 or Level 2 Item into a Smithing Table, along with a Gem that can be used to upgrade it
  • New Upgrade system:
    • First, you upgrade an Item to Level 1 in a Smithing Table, the same way you did previously
    • However, when you want to upgrade an Item to Level 2 or Level 3, you have to use a Forge Table!
    • In a Forge Table, you can choose one of two different things to upgrade for that Item, both times you upgrade it!
    • Upgrading an Item to the next level takes 15 seconds!
    • An Item DOES NOT keep its Enchantments after upgrading!
    • IMPORTANT: Dash Armor and Slowness Armor keep the old system!

18 New Variations for existing Items

  • Area Pickaxe/Axe/Shovel II (Upgrades: Efficiency)
  • Area Pickaxe/Axe/Shovel III (Upgrades: Efficiency + Efficiency)
  • Area Pickaxe/Axe/Shovel III (Upgrades: Area + Efficiency)
  • Heavy Sword II (Upgrades: Attack Speed)
  • Heavy Sword III (Upgrades: Attack Speed + Attack Speed)
  • Heavy Sword III (Upgrades: Damage + Attack Speed)
  • Levitating Sword II (Upgrades: Effect Level)
  • Levitating Sword III (Upgrades: Effect Level + Effect Level)
  • Levitating Sword III (Upgrades: Effect Duration + Effect Level)
  • Sword of Life Stealing II (Upgrades: Healing)
  • Sword of Life Stealing III (Upgrades: Healing + Healing)
  • Sword of Life Stealing III (Upgrades: Bonus Health + Healing)

Balance Changes

  • Changed Attack Damage of Swords of Life Stealing:
    • Level I: 6 -> 6.5
    • Level II: 6.5 -> 6
    • Level III: 7 -> 5.5
  • Increased Attack Damage of Levitating Swords:
    • Level I: 6 -> 8
    • Level II: 6.5 -> 8
    • Level III: 7 -> 8
  • Silk Touch now works on all Area Tools

Other Changes

  • Changed the name of most Items to include the upgrades it received so far
  • Changed the name color of all Items to magenta
  • Added a short description to all Items
  • Fixed a bug where Swords of Life Stealing would always heal double health


Added usage to Forge Table

  • Can be crafted by surrounding an End Crystal Block with any Gem Shards
  • Can be used to upgrade Items to Level 2 and to Level 3 (except Dash Armor and Slowness Armor)
  • You can choose one of two different things to upgrade for that Item, both times you upgrade it!
  • Upgrading an Item to the next level takes 15 seconds!
  • An Item DOES NOT keep its Enchantments after upgrading!

Balance Changes

  • (Nether/End) Gem Geodes now drop 2-4 Gem Shards (previously: 2-3) AND drops are now affected by Fortune! This means that, compared to the old 2.5 average, you get a
    • 20% increase with no Fortune (3 average)
    • 60% increase with Fortune I (4 average)
    • 110% increase with Fortune II (5.25 average)
    • 164% increase with Fortune III (6.6 average)
  • The chance of a specific Gem Shard being dropped from (Nether/End) Gem Geodes is now based on the amount of items it can be used to upgrade:
    • Dash Gem Shards: 28%
    • Slowness Gem Shards: 28%
    • Area Gem Shards: 20%
    • Heavy Gem Shards: 8%
    • Levitating Gem Shards: 8%
    • Shadow Gem Shards: 8%
  • Shadow Gem Block now generates Mini Hearts every 20 seconds (previously: 5)
  • Heavy Gem Block now deals 20 Damage (previously: 15)

Other Changes

  • Removed Crystal of Forging
  • Crafting a Forge Table now requires an End Crystal Block instead of a Crystal of Forging
  • Removed light of (Nether/End) Gem Geodes and Gem Blocks
  • Changed the name color of all Blocks to magenta
  • Added a short description to all Blocks

More Features & Technical Changes

Added 4 New Advancements

  • BOOM!
    • Craft an End Crystal Block and place it down!
  • Anti-BOOM!
    • Craft End Shears!
  • Reverse-BOOM!
    • Craft a Forge Table!
  • Upgrades, people, upgrades!
    • Have every possible Level 3 Item in your Inventory at the same time!

Removed Smithing Table recipes for the following Items:

  • Area Pickaxe/Axe/Shovel II
  • Area Pickaxe/Axe/Shovel III
  • Heavy/Levitating/Life Stealing Sword II
  • Heavy/Levitating/Life Stealing Sword III

Changes to "Magical Gems" Creative Tab

  • Renamed "Magical Gems Mod" Creative Tab to "Magical Gems"
  • Changed icon from a Gem Geode to a Blue Gem
  • Added search bar

Updated the following Tags to include new Item Variations:

  • tools/area
  • weapons/heavy_swords
  • weapons/levitating_swords
  • weapons/llife_stealing_swords

List of All Features


Blue/Purple/Orange/Aqua/Red/Shadow Gem Shard

  • Dropped from Gem Geodes
  • 9 of it can be used to craft a Blue/Purple/Orange/Aqua/Red/Shadow Gem

Blue Gem

  • Can be crafted using 9 Blue Gem Shards
  • Can be equipped to Netherite Pickaxes, -Shovels, and -Axes in a Smithing Table and/or Forge Table
  • When equipped to one of these Tools, the Area they can break increases, but their efficiency decreases, both depending on the type of the Tool

Area Pickaxe (Lvl1-Lvl3)

  • Level 1 can be crafted by combining a Netherite Pickaxe and a Blue Gem in a Smithing Table
  • Level 2 can be crafted by combining a Area Pickaxe I and a Blue Gem in a Forge Table
  • Level 3 can be crafted by combining a Area Pickaxe II and a Blue Gem in a Forge Table
  • After the initial upgrade, you can either further increase the Area or the Efficiency of the Pickaxe
  • For Area Pickaxes, the area surrounds the broken block. For example, the first level of the Area Pickaxe also breaks 8 blocks around the broken block
  • Area Pickaxes can break any block that a normal Pickaxe can break

Area Shovel (Lvl1-Lvl3)

  • Level 1 can be crafted by combining a Netherite Shovel and a Blue Gem in a Smithing Table
  • Level 2 can be crafted by combining a Area Shovel I and a Blue Gem in a Forge Table
  • Level 3 can be crafted by combining a Area Shovel II and a Blue Gem in a Forge Table
  • After the initial upgrade, you can either further increase the Area or the Efficiency of the Shovel
  • For Area Shovels, the area surrounds the broken block. For example, the first level of the Area Shovel also breaks 8 blocks around the broken block
  • Area Shovels can break any block that a normal Shovel can break

Area Axe (Lvl1-Lvl3)

  • Level 1 can be crafted by combining a Netherite Axe and a Blue Gem in a Smithing Table
  • Level 2 can be crafted by combining a Area Axe I and a Blue Gem in a Forge Table
  • Level 3 can be crafted by combining a Area Axe II and a Blue Gem in a Forge Table
  • After the initial upgrade, you can either further increase the Area or the Efficiency of the Axe
  • For Area Axes, instead of surrounding the broken block, the area starts at the broken block, and then continues upwards. For example, the first level of the Area Axe also breaks 3 blocks above the broken block.
  • Area Axes can break any block that a normal Axe can break

Purple Gem

  • Can be crafted using 9 Purple Gem Shards
  • Can be equipped to Netherite Armor in a Smithing Table and/or Forge Table
  • When equipped to a Netherite Armor piece, you gain the ability to dash with the key "R" every 20 seconds. The lenght of the Dash depends on how many and what level Armor pieces you wear

Dash Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots (Lvl1-Lvl3)

  • Level 1 can be crafted by combining a Netherite Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots and a Purple Gem in a Smithing Table
  • Level 2 can be crafted by combining a Dash Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots I and a Purple Gem in a Smithing Table
  • Level 3 can be crafted by combining a Dash Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots II and a Purple Gem in a Smithing Table
  • When equipped, you gain the ability to dash with the key "R" every 20 seconds
  • Based on how many and what level Armor pieces you wear, the lenght of your Dash becomes longer and longer
  • There's a base lenght when you equip your first Armor piece, and then the lenght of your Dash becomes longer by the same number
  • Whith a full Level 3 Dash Armor, your Dash range is about 12 Blocks

Red Gem

  • Can be crafted using 9 Red Gem Shards
  • Can be equipped to Netherite Armor in a Smithing Table and/or Forge Table
  • When equipped to Netherite Armor, it will slow down your enemies every time you get hit. The lenght of the Slow effect depends on how many and what level Armor pieces you wear

Slowness Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots (Lvl1-Lvl3)

  • Level 1 can be crafted by combining a Netherite Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots and a Red Gem in a Smithing Table
  • Level 2 can be crafted by combining a Slowness Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots I and a Red Gem in a Smithing Table
  • Level 3 can be crafted by combining a Slowness Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots II and a Red Gem in a Smithing Table
  • When equipped to Netherite Armor, it will slow down your enemies every time you get hit
  • Based on how many and what level Armor pieces you wear, the lenght of the Slow effect becomes longer and longer
  • There's a base lenght when you equip your first Armor piece (2s), and then the lenght of the Slow effect becomes longer by the same number (1s)
  • Whith a full Level 3 Slowness Armor, the Slow effect is 14 seconds long

Aqua Gem

  • Can be crafted using 9 Aqua Gem Shards
  • Can be equipped to Netherite Swords in a Smithing Table and/or Forge Table
  • When equipped to a Netherite Sword, it apply a Levitation effect to enemies, when they're hit however, they won't be hurt when they hit the ground

Levitating Sword (Lvl1-Lvl3)

  • Level 1 can be crafted by combining a Netherite Sword and an Aqua Gem in a Smithing Table
  • Level 2 can be crafted by combining a Levitating Sword I and an Aqua Gem in a Forge Table
  • Level 3 can be crafted by combining a Levitating Sword II and an Aqua Gem in a Forge Table
  • After the initial upgrade, you can either further increase the Level or the Duration of the Levitation Effect

Orange Gem

  • Can be crafted using 9 Orange Gem Shards
  • Can be equipped to Netherite Swords in a Smithing Table and/or Forge Table
  • When equipped, the Sword's Damage will increase with every level, but its Attack Speed will decrease as well

Heavy Sword (Lvl1-Lvl3)

  • Level 1 can be crafted by combining a Netherite Sword and an Orange Gem in a Smithing Table
  • Level 2 can be crafted by combining a Heavy Sword I and an Orange Gem in a Forge Table
  • Level 3 can be crafted by combining a Heavy Sword II and an Orange Gem in a Forge Table
  • After the initial upgrade, you can either further increase the Damage or decrease the Attack Speed of the Sword

Shadow Gem

  • Can be crafted using 9 Shadow Gem Shards
  • Can be equipped to Netherite Swords in a Smithing Table and/or Forge Table
  • When equipped to a Netherite Sword, you will heal half a heart every 2 hits. Level 2 and Level 3 even increase your max health

Sword of Life Stealing (Lvl1-Lvl3)

  • Level 1 can be crafted by combining a Netherite Sword and a Shadow Gem in a Smithing Table
  • Level 2 can be crafted by combining a Sword of Life Stealing I and a Shadow Gem in a Forge Table
  • Level 3 can be crafted by combining a Sword of Life Stealing II and a Shadow Gem in a Forge Table
  • After the initial upgrade, you can either further increase the Bonus Health or the Healing of the Sword
  • Each upgrade, the damage the Sword of Life Stealing deals is decreased:
    • Level I: 6.5
    • Level II: 6
    • Level III: 5.5
    • (Netherite Sword: 8)

Mini Hearts

  • Generated by Shadow Gem Blocks for every 20 seconds someone stands on them
  • Heals half a heart and increases your max health by 4 hearts for 15 seconds (The timer doesn't reset every time you consume Mini Hearts)
  • Max stack size: 4

End Shears

  • Can be used to safely break End Crystal Blocks, which leave a very tiny explosion when broken
  • Can be crafted by putting 3 End Crystal Blocks in the bottom three slots, a Shear in the middle slot and End Crystals in the rest of the slots


Gem Geodes

  • Naturally generates in the Overworld with 2x as much probability as Diamonds, below Y level 16
  • Drops 2-4 random Gem Shards when broken
  • Drops are affected by Fortune
  • The chance of a specific Gem Shard being dropped from Gem Geodes is based on the amount of items it can be used to upgrade:
    • Dash Gem Shards: 28%
    • Slowness Gem Shards: 28%
    • Area Gem Shards: 20%
    • Heavy Gem Shards: 8%
    • Levitating Gem Shards: 8%
    • Shadow Gem Shards: 8%

Nether Gem Geodes

  • Naturally generates in the Nether with as much probability as Diamonds in the Overworrld, below Y level 22
  • Drops 2-4 random Gem Shards when broken
  • Drops are affected by Fortune
  • The chance of a specific Gem Shard being dropped from Nether Gem Geodes is based on the amount of items it can be used to upgrade:
    • Dash Gem Shards: 28%
    • Slowness Gem Shards: 28%
    • Area Gem Shards: 20%
    • Heavy Gem Shards: 8%
    • Levitating Gem Shards: 8%
    • Shadow Gem Shards: 8%

End Gem Geodes

  • Naturally generates in the End with 2x as much probability as Diamonds in the Overworrld, below Y level 30
  • Drops 2-4 random Gem Shards when broken
  • Drops are affected by Fortune
  • The chance of a specific Gem Shard being dropped from End Gem Geodes is based on the amount of items it can be used to upgrade:
    • Dash Gem Shards: 28%
    • Slowness Gem Shards: 28%
    • Area Gem Shards: 20%
    • Heavy Gem Shards: 8%
    • Levitating Gem Shards: 8%
    • Shadow Gem Shards: 8%

Blue Gem Block

  • Can be crafted using 1 Blue Gem and 4 Blue Gem Shards
  • When activated with Redstone and then right clicked on, blocks start to break around the Blue Gem Block
  • First, a 3x3x3 area from the middle point of the Blue Gem Block gets broken and the Blue Gem Block disappears
  • Then, another 3x3x3 area gets broken, but in a random direction. A total of five 3x3x3 areas of blocks get broken in that direction, one every 10 seconds
  • This repeats for all 6 directions, which takes a total of 5 minutes
  • After all of this, the Blue Gem Block reappears and you can now repeat this same process elsewhere

Purple Gem Block

  • Can be crafted using 1 Purple Gem and 4 Purple Gem Shards
  • When stepped on, you will move forward really fast for about 6 Blocks (doesn't work on entities, only on players - yet!)
  • You cannot jump on this Block to avoid some bugs (you can make fun traps with this though... hmmm...)

Red Gem Block

  • Can be crafted using 1 Red Gem and 4 Red Gem Shards
  • When stepped on, you will get a Level 5 Slow Effect and smaller Jumps for 5 seconds

Aqua Gem Block

  • Can be crafted using 1 Aqua Gem and 4 Aqua Gem Shards
  • When stepped on, you will get a Level 1, 5 second Levitation effect (works on all entities)

Orange Gem Block

  • Can be crafted using 1 Orange Gem and 4 Orange Gem Shards
  • When stepped on, an invisible bar will move up by 1, every second. When it reaches 10, 20 damage will be dealt to you and the bar resets. If you move off the block or leave the game, the bar will not reset or decrease (doesn't work on entities, only on players - yet!)

Shadow Gem Block

  • Can be crafted using 1 Shadow Gem and 4 Shadow Gem Shards
  • When stepped on, it will reduce half a heart from the player and store 1 Mini Heart inside, every 20 seconds (doesn't work on entities, only on players - yet!)

End Crystal Block

  • End Crystal Blocks are the most unstable Blocks in the game! Just by right clicking on it, starting to destroy it, shooting it with an arrow, walking on it or activatng it with Redstone, it will blow up and instantly kill any players around it.
  • The only way to safely destroy the Block is to break it with End Shears, but that will still leave a tiny explosion
  • Can crafted by putting 9 End Crystals in the Crafting Table

Forge Table

  • Can be crafted by surrounding an End Crystal Block with any Gem Shards
  • Can be used to upgrade Items to Level 2 and to Level 3 (except Dash Armor and Slowness Armor)
  • You can choose one of two different things to upgrade for that Item, both times you upgrade it!
  • Upgrading an Item to the next level takes 15 seconds!
  • An Item DOES NOT keep its Enchantments after upgrading!


"Magical Gems" Advancement (Root)

  • Requirements: Get a Crafting Table

"Bigger Heart" Advancement

  • Break bigger areas of blocks with a bigger heart! Craft a Blue Gem using 9 Blue Gem Shards!

"Gotta go fast!" Advancement

  • Faster than a car! Dash using "R" after crafting a Purple Gem!

"Rock 'n Roll" Advancement

  • The Heavy Sword is slower, but hits much harder! Craft an Orange Gem using 9 Orange Gem Shards!

"When Pigs Fly" Advancement

  • Send your enemies to the skies with the Levitating Sword! Craft an Aqua Gem using 9 Aqua Gem Shards!

"Slow like a Snail" Advancement

  • I am not speed... Craft a Slowness Gem using 9 Slowness Gem Shards!

"Against the Law... or is it?" Advancement

  • Stealing is a bad thing, unless you're stealing HP from your enemies! Craft a Shadow Gem using 9 Shadow Gem Shards!

"BOOM!" Advancement

  • Craft an End Crystal Block and place it down!

"Anti-BOOM!" Advacement

  • Craft End Shears!

"Reverse-BOOM!" Advancement

  • Craft a Forge Table!

"Upgrades, people, upgrades!" Advancement

  • Have every possible Level 3 Item in your Inventory at the same time!

"Magical Gems" Creative Tab

  • Contains all new Items from this Mod
  • Also has a search bar

14 New Tags:

  • gem_shards
  • gems
  • gem_blocks
  • gem_geodes
  • all_gems
  • crystals
  • shears
  • tools/area
  • weapons/heavy_swords
  • weapons/levitation_swords
  • weapons/life_stealing_swords
  • gear/dash
  • gear/slowness
  • functions/dash

14 New Recipe Groups:

  • magical_gems
  • magical_gem_blocks
  • heavy_pickaxe
  • heavy_shovel
  • heavy_axe
  • dash_armor
  • slowness_armor
  • heavy_sword
  • levitating_sword
  • life_stealing_sword
  • end_shears
  • end_crystal_block
  • crystal_of_forging
  • forge_table

Tons of New Recipes

That’s all for now! More features will be added in the upcoming versions - I have a looot of plans! Besides feedback, I will also be looking at suggestions for new Gems, new abilities, new items and anything else! Also, follow the new "Magical Gems" Twitter Account for Sneak Peeks, notifications on when a new Update drops and more! And if you've read all the way through here, thank you! You're a true legend!

Minecraft mod files
v1.0_0.jar - Magical Gems FULL RELEASE Uploaded on: 07/08/2021 - 17:01   File size: 7.32 MB

Version 0.376 (05/17/21):

  • Added (Nether/End) Gem Shard Blocks
  • Added Blue/Purple/Orange/Aqua/Red/Shadow Gem Shards
  • Added Blue/Purple/Orange/Aqua/Red/Shadow Gems
  • Added Blue/Purple/Orange/Aqua/Red/Shadow Gem Blocks
  • Added Heavy Pickaxes (I-III)
  • Added Heavy Shovels (I-III)
  • Added Heavy Axes (I-III)
  • Added Heavy Hoes (I-III)
  • Added „Magical Gems” Advancement
  • Added „Bigger Heart” Advancement

Version 0.480 (05/23/21):

  • Added ability for the Purple Gem
  • Added Dash Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots (Lvl1-Lvl3)
  • Heavy Hoe ability can now be activated with right-click as well
  • Added ability for the Purple Gem Block
  • You cannot jump on the Purple Gem Block anymore to avoid some bugs (you can make fun traps with this though... hmmm...)
  • (Nether/End) Gem Shards renamed to (Nether/End) Gem Geodes
  • (Nether/End) Gem Geodes now drop 2-4 random Gem Shards (previously: 2)
  • Changed the recipe of all Gem Blocks to be 4 Shards sorrounding 1 Gem (previously: 8 Shards + 1 Gem)
  • Changed glow effect of (Nether/End) Gem Geodes and Gem Blocks to actual light (level 15)
  • Added "Gotta go fast!" advancement
  • Fixed incorrect "Magical Gems" Advancement name
  • Added sound when any item is upgraded with a Gem
  • Added sound when a Gem is crafted
  • Added sound when right clicked with a Gem in your hand
  • Removed in-game Item descriptions
  • Re-thought some future abilities

Version 0.688 (05/30/21):

  • Added ability for the Orange Gem
  • Added Heavy Sword (Lvl1-Lvl3)
  • Added ability for Aqua Gem
  • Added Levitating Sword (Lvl1-Lvl3)
  • Renamed all Heavy Tools to Area Tools
  • Reduced Efficiency for all Area Tools, from a 10% up to a 50% decrease
  • Changed Dash Cooldown display from numbers to colored squares (it looks sick, believe me!)
  • Added ability for the Orange Gem Block
  • Added ability for the Aqua Gem Block
  • (Nether/End) Gem Geodes now drop 2-5 random Gem Shards (previously: 2-4)
  • Renamed all Gem Shards/Gems/Gem Blocks to contain the name of their ability instead of their color
  • Added recipes for Heavy/Levitating/Slowness/Shadow Gem Block
  • Added "Rock 'n Roll" Advancement
  • Added "Sky Time" Advancement
  • Fixed "Gotta go fast!" Advancement not working
  • Added 9 new recipe groups
  • Changed Icon of "Magical Gems Mod" Creative Tab
  • Fixed wrong "Magical Gems Mod" Creative Tab name

Version 0.896 (06/14/21):

  • Added ability for the Red Gem
  • Added Slowness Helmet/Chestplate/Leggings/Boots (Lvl1-Lvl3)
  • Added ability for the Shadow Gem
  • Added Sword of Life Stealing (Lvl1-Lvl3)
  • Added Mini Hearts
  • Added End Shears
  • Removed Area Hoes
  • Decreased Attack Damage of Levitating Swords
  • Added ability for the Slowness Gem Block
  • Added ability for the Shadow Gem Block
  • Added End Crystal Block
  • Added Crystal of Forging
  • Added Forge Table
  • Increased Heavy Gem Block Damage from 7 to 15
  • (Nether/End) Gem Geodes now drop 2-3 random Gem Shards (previously: 2-5)
  • Renamed all Gem Blocks from "X Gem Block" to "Block of X Gems", where X is the name of the Gem's ability
  • Added "Slow like a Snail" Advancement
  • Added "Against the Law... or is it?" Advancement
  • Renamed "Sky Time" Advancement to "When Pigs Fly"
  • Fixed incorrect "Rock 'n Roll" Advancement description
  • Fixed incorrect Gem and Gem Shard names in all Advancement descriptions
  • Added 6 new recipe groups
  • Removed "heavy_hoe" recipe group
  • Added 14 new Tags

Nice mod and ideas!
I personnaly think that having the same but recolored texture for all gems is good, because thanks to it we know they have almost the same use. In fact, i really like every textures.
And i also agree with the "gem ore block" (whatever the name is) and the gem shards, to make them rarer. An alternate name would be something like "gem geode" (for the block)? because another "deposit" reminds too much of Netherite.

Hey! Thanks for all of your kind words, it feels awesome to see that you like my mod :) Gem Geode is an awesome name! I renamed Gem Ore Block or whatever I called them to simply Gem Ore, but Gem Geode is honestlya much cooler name! I'm gonna rename it to that now! This name change will be coming in the next update - probably in 1-2 days!

Also, since the next update is coming soon anyways, I might as well reveal the next new ability coming: "Dash"! More/all details about it will be available when the update comes out! (And yes I know "Dash" isn't included in all the abilities I've written down above, but I changed a few of the abilities so they have more use and more potential)

Pretty cool! I don't get why you get gem shards, and then you craft a gem, and a block is 1 8/9 of a gem. Just make the gems drop instead of shards and make the blocks 3x3 gems. Also recently I saw a lot of mods making use of the smithing table and it just gets boring, so make them craftable in a crafting table as well. The gems are the same shape, too. Some variety would be nice.

For new gems - add jade! Another idea is to make gem sockets, that when activated with some gem will give a special potion effect depending on the gem you use. So think of it like a portable beacon. Looking forward to this mod.

Hey! Thanks for your feedback, I really really appriciate it! First off, the reason why you only get 2 Gem Shards from 1 block instead of a Gem is that I wanted to make Gems rare. I want them to be sort of an end-game content - that's also why all of the Gem Shards (the ore variant [I seriously need to find a better name for this block]) can only be broken with a Netherite Pickaxe. I will probably make these Gem Shard Ores more common in the future / the next update (currently it's basically 2 Gem Shard Ores per 1 diamond ore, and since Gem Shard Ores drop 2 Gem Shards, its 1 diamond = 4 Gem Shards), but I have no plans to remove the Gem Shards.

Yeah, this one is a great suggestion. I don't want to delete them from the Smithing Table though, but I'll most likely make a recipe for the crafting table as well!


Honestly, I personally like the textures of the gems this way. However, since I don't feel like I'm actually that good at making textures, if someone would volunteer to do this, I'd be glad to accept it.

Okay, Gem Sockets are a brilliant idea! My top priority before v1.0 is to add all abilities to all Gems and make their abilities as balanced as possible, but after that, Gem Sockets will be my next top priority! Furthermore, could you please elaborate on the Jade Gem and what it would do? (Sorry if this should be obvious, I'm not English, and even though I think I know a huge variety of words, there are still some that I don't know)