This is my first mod so far. After playing around with MCreator, I decided to upgrade zombies a bit. The rest is explained below...
New Mobs!
Charred Zombie - Native to the nether, fire-resistant
Spectral Zombie - Native to the End, resistant to dragon's breath and potions
Forerunner Zombie - Carries the infection within. Will spawn Decaying zombies to assist it when damaged. Can only be hurt by direct attacks from a player. Spreads Irradaited Soil on death.
Decaying Zombie - Spawns out of Dead Soil. (More on that below...)
Maggot - Spawns from dead zombies and eggs. Can mature into zombies and leave Irradiated Soil! DANGEROUS IF LEFT TO MAKE A COLONY! KILL THEM QUICKLY!
New Dimension! (and special biome only found there)
Desolate Plains - A barren wasteland of what once was. What could have been.
Dead Sands - The only biome found within the dimension so far...
The portal is made from "Dead Soil". The recipe involves 1 Irradiated Soil, 4 Dead Soil, 4 Iron Nuggets. IT REQUIRES A SPECIAL ORDER TO WORK, HOWEVER. Figure it out. Good luck.
New Blocks!
Irradiated Soil - Spawns when a Forerunner dies. It will spread to ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING! It leaves behind Dead Soil as residue.
Dead Soil - Left behind by Irradiated Soil. Decaying Zombies can spawn on it and anything that is not undead will take damage when not sneaking!
Fertiliser - The only cure for the poisonous soil. It is slightly faster than the Irradiated Soil but will only spread on it. If put on any other block, it will die. It converts corrupted blocks to dirt.
Egg - Rarely occur in the world. Maggots create them. Can spawn other maggots.
New Items!
Handgun - FINALLY! Features Ammunition Clip: Remaining bullets displayed above Hotbar (max 10 per clip) THE GUN CAN BE RELOADED BY PRESSING "R"!
Knife - A powerful but breakable weapon. Lots of damage and brags a quick swing. Flimsy.
Bullet - A basic contraption used in the Handgun. Science!
Happy hunting! Post your feedback and ideas in the comments below.
(This mod was an experiment so may not be fully supported. Please take my ideas and make something of your own :) )
Version 0.1 - Added basic functionality. Zombies need a reskin. Mode features soon hopefully
Version 1.0 - Added Guns, Bullets and Knifes, oh my! (oh, and a new dimension forgot about that)
Version 1.1 - Changed Handgun Recipe
Version 1.2 - Squished some bugs with the Handgun and Zombie spawning
Version 1.3 - Guns have sound effects now. Zombies have a chance to spawn when anything dies :)
Version 2.0 - Added Maggots, Eggs and Reworked the Dimension + Portal
For all progress, visit the Trello board here - https://trello.com/workspace65826360
Check it out on curseforge! - https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/zombies-made-with-mcreator
How 'Bout a Zombie with glowing eyes and invisible until attacked, so it slowly follows you with only its eyes visible