The Only Three Members of the mod atm. more to come! P.S. They are only 5 pixels tall.
This is a simple mod I decided to throw together based on a meme about the Minecraft bookshelf, and an old mod called The Clay Soldiers Mod. I plan on adding so many more things to it but wanted to post a simple version of it to get feedback and base the rest of the mod around it. Thank you for downloading it and please do let me know if you have any suggestions or just simple feedback about the mod. Thank you!
Mod Info.
The Crew Members can only walk around and run away from attackers (they can be used as bait because the imposters are programed to attack the crew before they attack other colored imposters)
The Imposters will attack both Crew and Imposters but they will prioritize attacking crew. They Only attack other colored Imposters and crew.