Sparks Wool Mod

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This mod is quite simple it just adds 75 new wools into the game with different shades of colors. All 75 colors can be crafted by putting a vanilla wool into a stonecutter (Red, Orange, Yellow, Cactus Green, Blue, Purple, Brown, White are the only wools that work at the moment.) More colors and blocks are on the way and in development and there are plans to add more colors to experiment with and a new crafting system for colors and wool is in development alongside the basic plan of adding more color to Minecraft wools and thoughts of turning this mod into a base color addition mod adding new colors to Wools, Concrete, Beds, Banners, is being thought of while players can play with these colors and build amazing builds that originally lacked some beautiful colors 

Minecraft mod files
SparksWoolMod.jar - Sparks Wool mod simply adds 75 new wool colors into the game to build and have fun with Uploaded on: 07/28/2022 - 21:34   File size: 250.47 KB

Sparks Wool mod Version 1 

75 different wool colors able to be made in the stonecutter 

(New Colors and ideas are on the way)