Astral Dimension

Published by MrSculk404 on
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To access the Astral dimension you need to build the Astral Portal. The portal is built like the nether portal, but instead of obsidian you need at least 10 Glowing Obsidian and it can be activated with a Steel and Dust.

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The dimension contains 10 new biomes:

Lunar Spikes:
-New biome composed of Lunar Soil and Moonstone
-Generates Moonfoam, Large & Small Solar Shrub patches, Void Eggs, Small & Large Lunar Spikes and Lunar Base Ruins
-Spawns Ghost Jellyfishes and Void Centipedes

Jelly Glass:

Jelly Glass is a special type of glass, having an unique texture and can be obtained when broken without silk touch. To craft one, first you have to find a Ghost Jellyfish. These mobs spawn in Sludgy Wastelands, Dead Coral Reefs and Lunar Spikes.

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They drop Ghost Jelly which is a key item to create Jelly Glass. You will also need 1 Colored Stained Glass.

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But that's not all! If you craft or find an Astranite Cauldron, you can apply patterns to these blocks. There are 8 Patterns: Pillar, Present, Flower, Portal, Flake, Metal, Window and Brick. 1 Astranite Cauldron is always present within an Electric Swamp Hut.

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Fiery Forest:

-Generates Luminous Trees, Lava Wells, Huge Fiery Mushrooms and Amethyst Sanctuaries.

-Spawns Magma Cubes, Fiery Hummingbirds and Fiery Cows.

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Fiery Birch Forest:
-Generates fiery birch trees, fiery bushes and Amethyst Sanctuaries.
-Spawns Fiery Cows, Fiery Hummingbirds and Magma Cubes

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Dead Coral Reef

 -Generates Amethyst Sanctuaries.
-Spawns bonefishes at night
-Contains dead corals, dead seageass, dead kelp and soul themed blocks

 Electric Swamp:

-Generates Electric trees, Fossils, Huge Mushrooms and Oak trees
-Spawns Pigails, Frogs and Storm Wisps
-Contains gravel patches, flowers, electric vines and mushrooms

Faded Electric Swamp:
-Floor is made out of Electrified Moss and Lunar Soil
-Faded Spikes, Floating Islands, Faded Fortresses generate here
-Pigails and Frogs can spawn here naturally.

Amethyst Meadow:

-Generates Amethyst spikes, Amethyst geodes, Wisteria Trees

-Spawns Amethyst crawlers

-Generates Amethyst Sanctuaries

Amethyst Sanctuary:

-Can be found in the Amethyst Meadows
-Contains unique loot
-Spawns Amethyst Knights

-Amethyst Knights can be killed by deactivating the 4 Postrum Eyes with an Astral Eye.

-3 Variants: Hallways, Garden, Library

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Astral Badlands:
-Contains dead bushes, Astral Gold Ore, Small cacti & Fiery cacti
-Generates Glowstone craters, Red Sandstone towers, Mineshafts

Sludgy Wasteland:

-Spawns Ghost Jellyfish, Void Centipedes.

-Generates Fossiles, Tormented Trees, White Pumpkins, Tormented Mansions

-Visit this place after you defeat the Void Titan.

-This rare structure holds a dark secret within.
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First step: Accessing the dimension

The Astral dimension is accessed by entering an Astral portal. The portal is built like the Nether portal, but instead of obsidian, you need at least 10 Glowing Obsidian, and it can be activated with a Steel and Dust. It is recommended to obtain an Elytra before entering the dimension because the void infected every lake.

Second step: Finding a fiery forest

Fiery forests generate huge fiery mushrooms. Huge fiery mushrooms feature burning orbs that drop 1-7 burning shards when broken without silk touch. Burning shards can be used to craft astral eyes.

Third step: Going underground

From Y= -12 to Y= -43 void mycelium generates, replacing astral stone. Void ore generates from Y= -12 to Y= -40, and when mined, it drops 1-4 void gems. Make sure to have 27 void gems in your inventory because you will need these to craft 3 block of void. Watch your step; don't step on void magma because it inflicts hunger effect and causes damage while being stepped on, similar to magma blocks. The final thing you need from underground are 4 void fangs. Void fangs are obtained by killing a void menace. Void menace mobs spawn on top of void mycelium, and these beasts drop 0–2 void fang items. I recommend crafting a bow, full iron armor, iron tools and a shield because a void menace is pretty tough. It has 50 HP, deals 8 melee damage, and creates void spikes on the void mycelium.

Fourth step: Defeating an Amethyst Sanctuary

Amethyst sanctuaries generate in fiery forests, amethyst meadows and dead coral reefs. Two amethyst knights inhabit this structure, and you need to deactivate 4 postrum eyes because the knights start taking 20 damage when there isn't a postrum eye within a 400-block radius. Craft at least 4 astral eyes because these items deactivate the postrum eyes. Amethyst knights have 600 HP, are hostile to players; they deal 22 melee damage and they summon amethyst sentries when they get hurt. Amethyst sentries are flying hostile mobs that shoot fireballs, so it is recommended to brew fire resistance potions when raiding this structure. Amethyst knights drop 2 amethyst keys and 0-1 amethyst helmet. Using amethyst keys, the player can unlock the four locked chests in the dungeon. These chests contain broken amethyst shards. You will need at least 2 broken amethyst shards to summon the Void Titan, the first boss of the mod.

Fifth step: Summoning the Void Titan

To summon it, first you have to locate a Void Egg. These structures can be found rarely in amethyst meadows, lunar spikes and astral badlands. Every void egg contains a Void Portal on top of it. Place a void pillar above the portal, then place an Astral Altar on top of the pillar. After you place the altar, the Void Titan will appear with a huge explosion very soon... The void titan has 360 HP. Stay distant from the titan because it shoots exploding projectiles at you. It can also spawn void worms and firestorms.

The Void Titan:
-Boss mob
-Spawned by an Astral Altar
-Has 4 Attacks:
   -Void Charge: Shoots a projectile that explodes on impact.
   -Void Golems: A fyling hostile mob that attacks the player. Spawns an exploding Mine when it dies.
   -Void Worm Eggs: When they hatch Void Worms are spawned.
-Drops Gloomy Obsidian, Titan Helmet, Obsidian and Void gems.

Using 10 gloomy obsidians, the player can construct a portal frame. This portal can be activated using a Nanta Star.

To craft a nanta star, you need to locate a faded electric swamp. There, you will notice some floating islands that contain twisted corals.

Once you have collected some twisted corals, locate a flooded faded fortress—a rare, faded fortress variant that generates in faded electric swamps. These structures are inhabited by slurkers; make sure to kill at least one of them.

Nantas also spawn here underwater. If you feed them twisted corals, they will sometimes give you a nanta pearl. Collect 4 nanta pearls and a faded star (obtained by killing a slurker) to craft the star. Once you have a nanta star, you are ready to visit the Setback.

The Setback:

-A dark dimension that has been taken over by void
-Accessible after defeating the Void Titan
-Bedrock generates at Y=32 and the build limit is Y=320
-The bottom of the dimension is sometimes destroyed, allowing the player to gaze into the void
-Natural sources of light include void mushrooms and void liquid
-Void liquid is the most common fluid that naturally generates abundantly in this dimension
in the form of deltas, rivers, lakes and oceans
-Harsh Stone makes up most of the Setback's terrain
-Features 4 new biomes: Sick Woods, Frozen Harsh Barrens, Frozen Postrum Reef and Void Postrum Reef

Final step: Defeating the Tormented Mansion

After you defeat the Void Titan, take a visit to the Tormented Mansion. These mansions rarely generate in sludgy wastelands. This place is inhabited by keepers and tormented guards, both melee mobs. In the upper part of the structure, you can find the Locked Visage, surrounded by titan sentries and void crystals. Once you defeat the crystals, the player can attack the Locked Visage. When you defeat the Locked Visage the real battle begins. The Void Visage appears, summoning an Overworld Visage Portal and a Nether Visage Portal. These portals summon mobs from the Overworld and Nether dimension. When you defeat the Void Visage, the connection between the End and the Astral dimension will be broken, and soon the dimension can begin to recover from the End's evil magic and the void corruption.

Faded Fortress:

Faded fortresses are floating structures generating in Faded Islands biomes.

The structure is inhabited by Slurkers.

6 Shade Chests can be found here each containing some pretty cool loot.

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Blooming Dread blocks can be found in these chests.

These can be used to grow 3 seeds found in structures across the Astral dimension.

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Lava Wells contain Red Chilli Seeds:

Red Chilli seeds are used to grow Red Chilli that when eaten, inflict Fire Trail effect.

Lava well

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Tormented Mansions contain Ghoulish Seeds:

Ghoulish seeds are used to grow Saturation Berries that when eaten, inflict Saturation and Weakness effect.

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Lunar Base Ruins contain Lunar Beetroot Seeds:

Lunar Beetroot Seeds are used to grow Lunar Beetroots that when eaten highlights nearby mobs with glowing effect.

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You can also bake some fancy cakes using these magical crops. These have 5 slices, each slice restores 2 hunger and applies potion effects.

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Curseforge link:

Minecraft mod files
Astral_1.8.1_1.21.1_NeoForge.jar - The newest 1.21.1 NeoForge release of the mod. Uploaded on: 03/08/2025 - 19:41   File size: 12.59 MB
Astral_1.8.1_1.20.1.jar - The newest 1.20.1 Forge release of the mod. Uploaded on: 03/08/2025 - 19:39   File size: 12.67 MB
Astral_1.8.1_1.19.2.jar - The newest 1.19.2 Forge release of the mod. Uploaded on: 03/08/2025 - 19:39   File size: 12.59 MB
Astral_1.8.1_1.18.2.jar - The newest 1.18.2 Forge release of the mod. Uploaded on: 03/08/2025 - 19:38   File size: 12.72 MB

+The Setback:
-A dark dimension that has been taken over by void
-Accessible after defeating the Void Titan
-You need at least 10 Gloomy Obsidian to build the portal frame
-The player can activate the portal using a Nanta Star
-Bedrock generates at Y=32 and the build limit is Y=320
-The bottom of the dimension is sometimes destroyed, allowing the player to gaze into the void
-Natural sources of light include void mushrooms and void liquid
-Void liquid is the most common fluid that naturally generates abundantly in this dimension
in the form of deltas, rivers, lakes and oceans
-Harsh Stone makes up most of the Setback's terrain
-Features 4 new biomes:
+Sick Woods:
-The floor is made of void mycelium and harsh stone
-Contains dark void bulbs, giant faded flowers, void grids and sick trees made of sick wood,
dead corals, and harsh icicles
-Has the least amount of void deltas
-Void Menaces, Fatal Shrooms, Bovelins, and Tornpillars spawn here
+Frozen Harsh Barrens:
-The floor is made of frozen harsh stone and harsh stone
-Contains void grids, giant faded flowers, harsh ice spikes and corrupted harsh ice spikes - features void mushrooms and
void mycelium on top of the harsh ice
-Void Menaces, Fatal Shrooms, Bovelins, and Tornpillars spawn here
+Frozen Postrum Reef:
-The floor is made of dead postrum and harsh ice
-Contains dead corals, harsh ice spikes and corrupted harsh ice spikes - features void mushrooms and
void mycelium on top of the harsh ice
-Void Menaces, Fatal Shrooms, Bovelins, and Tornpillars spawn here
+Void Postrum Reef:
-The floor is made of dead postrum and void mycelium
-Contains twisted corals and huge void mushrooms
-Void Menaces, Fatal Shrooms, Bovelins, and Tornpillars spawn here
+Postrum Temple:
-Generates in the Setback
-This structure is inhabited by temple keepers, warlocks, and titan sentries
-Contains a void crystal trap, 4 small chests and a double chest
-Loot includes:
Small chests:
0-6 Void Grids
0-4 Void Mushroom
3-7 Void Gem
2-5 Astranite Ingot
4-6 Outer Debris
0-4 Debris Pane
0-2 Lucid Stone
4-8 Lucid Rocks
0-2 Iron Block
3-6 Golden Carrot
5-7 Beetroot
0-5 Obsidian
0-3 Faded Lantern
0-4 Worm Eye
0-4 Harsh Leather
0-6 Harsh Icicle
0-5 Harsh Ice
0-5 Void Magma Block
Double chest:
0-1 Eversion Armor Trim
0-1 Enchanted Diamond Chestplate
0-2 Lucid Upgrade
0-2 Diamond Block
0-2 Lucid Stone
6-15 Lucid Rocks
0-1 Enchanted Astranite Leggings
0-1 Enchanted Astranite Boots
0-8 Emerald
6-8 Outer Debris
5-7 Golden Carrot
0-3 Golden Apple
0-1 Music Disc - Blocks
2-5 Void Fang
0-4 Worm Eye
5-7 Harsh Vines
4-6 Void Grids
4-7 Rotten Flesh
-Lucid Stone, Lucid Rocks, and the Eversion Armor Trim can be found in chests in the Setback dimension
+Tower of Malice:
-New hostile boss mob
-Can be fought in Postrum Temples when the player starts breaking the Void Crystal Trap
-Has 300 HP
-Deals 9 melee damage
-Inflicts Wounded and Poison effect
-Spawns Void Gas
-Several warnings appear before the gas spawns
-The Gas inflicts the Wither effect; however, it will also give the Blindness effect if you have the Wounded effect
-Drops a Void Crystal and a Void Eater Upgrade Smithing Template
-Immune to fire, wither effect and fall damage
+Flooded Faded Fortress:
-New faded fortress variant that contains a water pool with 5 nantas and dead twisted corals
+Faded Sewers:
-Generates commonly underground or near void liquid in the Setback
-Has a short and long variation
-Is infested with Sewer Void Worm Eggs
-Loot includes:
0-1 Lucid Upgrade
0-3 Lucid Rocks
0-3 Obsidian Bucket
0-1 Void Bucket
0-8 Void Grids
2-7 Candle
3-5 Cyan Candle
2-6 Red Candle
0-1 Dust and Steel
0-4 Dark Void Bulbs
1-4 Outer Debris
4-8 Coal
5-11 Charcoal
0-3 Iron Ingot
-Passive underwater mob
-Found in Flooded Faded Fortresses
-Has 16 HP
-Has a chance to drop a Nanta Pearl when fed with Twisted Corals
-Nantas don't despawn
+Nanta Pearl:
-Nanta pearls are used to craft Nanta Stars
+Nanta Star:
-A nanta star is a craftable item used to activate the Setback portal
-The player can craft it using 4 Nanta Pearls and a Faded Star
-If the player right-clicks the nanta star underwater, it will create a safety barrier for the player
-Hostile mob
-Spawns in the Setback dimension
-Has 46 HP
-Shoots freezing projectiles
-Can teleport
-Drops 0-4 Worm Eyes
-Immune to wither effect and fire
-Neutral mob
-Spawns in the Setback
-Has 130 HP
-Deals 14 melee damage
-Drops 3-8 Leather
-Gets furious when a Lucid Bell rings near it
-In fury mode it will attack every monster, including other bovelins
-Receives Strength 3 effect in fury mode
-Immune to fire, wither effect and fall damage
+Temple Keeper:
-Hostile undead mob
-Spawned by spawners found in postrum temples
-Has 42 HP
-Equipped with an iron sword, chainmail chestplate, leggings and boots
-Drops 0-3 Rotten Flesh
-Hostile undead mob
-Spawns in postrum temples
-Has 100 HP
-Equipped with an astranite sword
-Summons arrows and shulker bullets
-Can levitate
-Starts glowing after summoning arrows/shulker bullets and shoots void projectiles
-Drops 0-3 Rotten Flesh, 6-12 Arrow Caller
+Arrow Caller:
-Using an Astral Amulet while the player is holding an Arrow Caller in the off-hand slot
summons falling arrows
+Eversion Armor Trim:
-Found in postrum temples
-Can be duplicated using a harsh stone
+Lucid Upgrade:
-Found in faded sewers and postrum temples
-Required to upgrade netherite gear to lucid gear
-Can be duplicated using 7 diamonds, a harsh ice, and a lucid upgrade
+Void Eater Upgrade:
-Obtained by killing the Tower of Malice
-Required to upgrade a void eater
-Can be duplicated using 7 diamonds, a block of void, and a void eater upgrade
+Dark Void Bulbs:
-Generates in sick woods
-Can be lit using a dust and steel
-Bright Void Bulbs emit a light level of 12
-Dark Void Bulbs can be crafted using Lush Bulbs and a Void Organ
+Sewer Void Worm Egg:
-Generates in Faded Sewers
-Can hatch at any time when a player is near it
+Lucid Rock:
-Found in postrum temples
-Can be used as trim material
+Lucid Stone:
-The player can craft it using 9 Lucid Rocks
-Drops 9 Lucid Rocks when broken
+Lucid Ingot:
-The player can craft it using 8 Lucid Rocks and a Lucid Rock
-Can be used for upgrading Netherite Armor, Swords and Tools
-Can be used as trim material
+Void Organs:
-Generates in the Setback
-Contains a Void Organ which can be obtained by right clicking on the block with an upgraded void eater
+Lucid Tools:
-Immune to lava and fire
-Are more efficient than netherite tools
-Have higher durability and enchantability than netherite
+Lucid Armor:
-Tougher than netherite armor
-Have higher durability and enchantability than netherite
+Block of Lucid:
-Can be used decoratively, as a storage block for lucid ingots, or as part of a beacon
-Has strong blast resistance
-The player can craft it using 9 Lucid Ingots
+Lucid Bell:
-Can be crafted using 4 Polished Harsh Stone Walls, 3 Sticks, a Lucid Rock and a Void Organ
-Can be rung to aggravate nearby bovelins
+Void Crystal:
-Currently not obtainable in Survival mode
-Absorbs nearby void liquid in a 6×6×6 block radius
+Sick Wood, Planks, Stairs, Slab, Wall, Fence, Fence Gate, Door, Trapdoor:
-Pickaxes are the default tools for breaking these blocks
+Harsh Ice:
-Places void liquid when mined without a void eater
-Pretty slippery
-Can be found naturally in Frozen Postrum Reefs and Frozen Harsh Barrens
+Harsh Icicle:
-Hanging decorative block
-The player can craft it using 4 Harsh Ice
-Can be found naturally as part of sick trees
+Frozen Harsh Stone:
-Can be found naturally in Frozen Harsh Barrens
-Pretty slippery
-Drops Harsh Stone when broken without Silk Touch
+Harsh Stone Tiles, Stairs, Slab, Wall:
-Crafted using 4 Harsh Stone Bricks
+4 New Jelly Glass Patterns: Window, Metal, Brick, Flake
+New painting: Malice (64x48)
-Depicts something holding a Void Crystal
+10 New Advancements:
+Blast from the depths:
-Blow up a Magma Puffball
-Feed a Nanta with twisted corals
+Realm of Malice:
-Enter the Setback dimension
+Worth It?:
-Obtain Lucid Rock
+Anger Management:
-Defeat an angered Bovelin
+Tower Breaker:
-Defeat the Tower of Malice
+The Hunger Grows:
-Upgrade the Void Eater
+Dirty Business:
-Obtain Void Organs using an Upgraded Void Eater
+Lucid Dream:
-Obtain a Lucid Ingot
-Get a full suit of Lucid armor
Faded Fortress:
-Became more common
Faded Lantern:
-The player can turn it invisible using a Faded Star
Faded Stone:
-Generates in the Setback underground
Copper and iron ore veins no longer appear in the Astral dimension
Golden Bone, Ectoplasm, Pyrite Heart:
-Added a tooltip: "Useable with an Astral Amulet"
Titan helmet:
-Can now be repaired using Obsidian, Gloomy Obsidian or Crying Obsidian
Iron Bucket:
-Breaks when a player tries to pick up void liquid
Void Bucket:
-The player gets back an obsidian bucket when they place void liquid
Void Eater:
-Can be upgraded using a void gem and a void eater upgrade
Upgraded Void Eater:
-Has higher durability and mining speed than a regular void eater
-Can be used to harvest void organs
-Cures infected blocks nearby, not just the one block you clicked on
-Can be used to remove void mycelium in a 6*6*6 area
Fatal Shroom:
-Fixed shooting sound not playing
Uneasy Feelings advancement:
-Changed the description to:
-Visit a Sludgy Wasteland biome. You should try locating a Tormented Mansion here

I have an astral dimension in my unreleased mod...
How long has this been in development? Mine has been in development for over a year and a half.