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Posted by: HermosaGamba
File description: V.0.03-Forge1.18.2
File size: 149 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 206
Mod changelog:
Ver 0.04: -Fixed a problem that made the electrocution ailment not spread correctly.
-Now the 'Elemental Enchantments' have a little knockback.
-Added a new soul enchantment, 'Light Speed'. This can only be applied to pickaxes and axes, and will make you mine faster for every block you break within a certain time range..
-When crafting soul ingots, you will now get 4 instead of just 2.
Ver 0.03: -Fixed a glitch which would make the Blazing Aspect enchantment not deal damage.
-Added two new soul enchantments: 'Frostbite' and 'Conductivity'
-Added a new status effect that can propague.
-Made it so you can have two of the 'Elemental Enchantments' ('Blazing Soul', 'Frostbite' and 'Conductivity') at the same time, just enchant two different tools and equip one on your main hand and the other on your off-hand.
-Added a new ability for the Soulsteel Sword. Right click with it on your main hand and a soul fragment anywhere in your inventory.
Ver 0.02 - Fixed an error that would make the iron scythe deal the same amount of damage as the wooden one.
-Added a new enchantment for the scythe, called 'Harvesting', which increases the chance of dropping soul fragments the higher the level.
-Changed the way scythes work. Now, soul fragments will be harder to get, as chances have been severely lowered since now scythes will have a higher chance the higher the tier. For instance, netherite scythes have about 10% chance of dropping a fragment, while wooden ones have about 2%. That comes without the Harvesting enchantment, of course.
-Added some advancements dor doing mostly everything you can do in the mod. From crafting a scythe to enchanting with one of the crystal souls.
-Added a new soul enchantment, called 'Blazing Aspect'. This enchantment will allow you to generate a hot area where you are currently looking at, and it wil set entities on fire as well as hurt them. It has a big cooldown, though.
-'Grim Reaper' tools have been renamed to 'Soulsteel' tools.
Ver 0.01 - Added Scythes of every vanilla material
-Added the Grim Reaper gear set, with its scythe included
-Added two new enchantments: Vampire Fangs and Soul Sharpness
-Added functionality for Scythes. Kill a mob with one a there is a 10% chance it will drop a Soul Fragment
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