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Posted by: HTOAD
File description: Terrible Terror and Deadly Nadder Alpha :D
File size: 3.94 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 278
Mod changelog:
Added “A” Entity - Literally!!! Justin
Added Sheep - Replaced Vanilla Sheep with our model. Aram
Added Yak - Made the Yak from HTTYD actually in the mod. Aram
Added Chicken - Replaced Vanilla Chicken with our model. Aram
Added Cooked Yak Meat - Yup, this is a thing now. Aram
Added Raw Yak Meat - Kind of like beef, but from a Yak. Aram
Added Yaknog - It gives a lot of food, just also Nausea Aram
Added First Tamed Dragon - You get this advancement when you tame your first dragon! Toast and Aram
Added Gronckle Smith - You get this advancement when you obtain Gronckle Iron. Toast
Added Obtain Gronckle Iron Tool - You get this advancement when you obtain a Gronckle Iron tool. Toast
Added Drink Yaknog - You get this advancement when you drink Yaknog. Toast
Added Nadder Saddle Recipe - You can now craft the Deadly Nadder Saddle. Aram
SpawnDragon or DragonSpawn - you can now use /spawndragon and /dragonspawn to spawn a dragon, both commands are exactly the same. Aram
Added a new GUI for progressive achievements. Toast
Added Breed First Dragon - You get this advancement when you breed your first dragon. Toast
Added Gotta Catch `Em All - You get this advancement when you tame all the dragons. Toast and Aram
Added Love Is In The Air - You get this advancement when you breed all the dragons. Toast
Added Nadder Arrow Recipe - Yup, Replace the flint with a Nadder spine in the normal arrow recipe and done. #37 Aram
Added Limestone Generation - Limestone now spawns as an ore in multiple biomes like stony shore, oceans and rivers. Aram
Changed Breeding Code - Optimized the breeding code from 65 files per dragon to 3 files per dragon. Aram
Changed the Dragon Egg Code - You can now finally place down the egg after you picked it up. Aram
Changed Keybind Ability - Activate Ability is now **R** In stead of **ALT+R**. Aram
Bug Fixes:
Fixed Scale Drop - Fixed the Gronckle and Deadly Nadder scale drop. #6 Aram
Fixed Creative Taming - From now on you actually need to hold a feeding item to tame a dragon, even in creative. Aram
Fixed Feeding - Now it always take 1 item when feeding a dragon in Survival and 0 in Creative. Aram
Fixed Spawn egg - Dragons now spawn at the block youre aiming and not your feet. #31 Aram
Fixed Dragon Spawning - Dragons now spawn with the correct NBT data. #34 Aram and Toast
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