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Posted by: MixtySprii
File size: 11.44 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 647
Mod changelog:
Changelog 1.1.0
- New Item: Yashariku Sugar
- Added Animations for All 3 sugars
- Fixed Ashina Cross slashes being too far
- Nerfed Inner Az healing
- Renamed Keybinds to make more sense
- Removed Charged Leap
- Adjusted Ashina Soldier's attack speed
- Added description for sugars
- Increased Kusabimaru power by 0.5 (Set to 7.5)
Changelog 1.0.9
- Added Guard animations
- Reduced Kusabimaru damage to 8
- Fire Vent increase damage by 15%
- Lazulite Vent Increases Damage by 25%
- Cursed Vent increase Damage by 32%
- Sparking Axe Swipe finally sets entities on fire
- New mob: Ashina Soldier
- Nerfed Inner Az's health
- Added New Armors for aesthetic or preferences
- Added New Item: Divine Confetti
- Slight Changes on Combat Mechanics (You can counter slash)
- Debuffs after breaking posture is reduced
- Sekiro gear (Others) now have a bigger speed buff
- You cannot jump whilst being stunned
- You cannot forwards dash whilst being stunned
- Rolling cooldown increased to 25 ticks (prior to this update it was 15)
- WIP added guarding animations
Changelog 1.0.8
- You cannot parry mortal draw
- Added a nerfed version of Sekiro's armor
- Added Shadow Leather Armor
- Visuals improved
- Sound effects improved
- Added Additional sound effects
- Arts now have flaming effects from vents
- You can now take knockback whilst being stunned and you cannot jump
- Shadow Rush is now a perilous Attack
- Added new attack type: Perilous Attack (You cannot parry these)
- Healing Gourd now only heals 7 HP instead of 13. And it no longer glitches or duplicates
- New item: Gokan's sugar (Reduces posture damage by 67%)
- Any technique that requires spirit emblems are no longer required or taken in creative mode
- New Prosthetic Tool: Flaming Vent
- New Prosthetic Tool: Lazulite Vent
- New Prosthetic Tool: Cursed Vent
Changelog 1.0.7
- You can now Guard whilst being stunned but it still wont function
- Posture at its limit doesnt break ONLY due to Parrying
- New Mob: Inner Az
- New sword ability: Deathblow (works on Sekiro entities when their posture is broken)
- Added Guide Book
- Changed a few effects
-- Apolegies, fixed Sekiro's Head removing buff
Features and Changes:
- Posture mechanics edited.
- Cycling Arts no longer count empty slots
- Set SE cost of "Leaping Fire" to 2
- Removed useless items
- Reduced Combat Art cooldowns
- Sekiro Head now gives invisibility
- Mortal Draw Damage reduced to 42
- Fixed Spirit Emblem regen animation playing despite having 0 Stored SE
- New Item: Ako's Sugar. Buffs damage by 25% for 30 seconds.
Update 1.0.6 Changelog
- Prosthetic/Combat Art GUIs have been adjusted along with descriptions
- Added Advancements for obtaining Arts and Prosthetics
- All Sekiro Items are now a seperate tab
- Sparking Axe Prosthetic fire retextured
- Prosthetic Cooldowns added
- Combat Art Shadow Rush is adjusted
- Spiral Cloud Passage GUI added
- Added New Prosthetic: Spear
- Added New Prosthetic: Flaming Spear
- Added New Item: Sekiro's Head (Visuals)
- Sparking Axe not working in 5-7 prosthetic slots fixed
- Dash fixed
Update 1.0.5 changelog
- Vents are visually improved slightly
- Dash changed to Chargeable Dash
- Alt + W/S now boosts in the direction depending on what movement key is pressed
- Monsters have 50% chance of dropping a Spirit Emblem
- Arts and Prosthetics now require Spirit Emblems
- New Prosthetic Implemented: Lazulite Axe
- New Prosthetic Implemented: Sparking Axe
- Added New Key bind that regenerates your Spirit Emblems
- Player's GUI shows the spirit emblem inventory in the middle
Added Feature: Spirit Emblem healing cancels if player gets hurt
Update 1.0.4 changelog
Changed Sekiro Armor to a geckolib model, the armor now has animations
Added new GUI, press Z
Sekiro Armor now provides jumpboost
Player Animation Added for Swings, Sakura Dance, Backstep, Ashina Cross and Dragon Flash
Ashina Cross slightly reworked
Added New Combat Art: Mortal Draw
Added Protsthetic Tool: Lazulite Axe
Added Protsthetic Tool: Sparking Axe
Added Feature: Posture now regenerates depending players HP
Added Feature: Posture Heals 40% quicker when player is guarding
Added new GUI: Posture
Improved Sound effects
Art Items now have its own GUI.
Parrying doesnt cause visual effects when an entity is stunned
Update 1.0.3 changelog
- Added New Art: Ashina Cross
- Added New Art: Sakura Dance
- Spiral Cloud Passage nerfed and gives resistance upon using it
- Spiral Cloud Passage is reworked
- Any combat art is now Parryable
- Dragon Flash cooldown increased
- Dragon Flash's charged attack now destroys blocks
- Arts against players now cause posture damage and parrying is possible
- Some Sounds are more quiet
- Healing Gourd now heals 13 hp and has a cooldown of 4 seconds
- Using Combat Arts has changed from: Rightclick >> Z (For Sekiro users)
- Parrying extinguishes fire
- Bug fixed, you can only parry with Kusabimaru and Mortal Blade
- New Mob: Warden Tentacle (Still Wip but why not)
- Cursed Techniques(WIP)/Arts and Swings are now separate cooldowns
- Reduced the duration of fire vents to 35 seconds
Update changelog
- Changelog:
- Vents improved
- Missing Photon effects fixed
- Stun fixed
- Bugs Fixed
Update 1.0.2 changelog
- Kusabimaru now has slash effects that work
- Guard GUI Added
- Parry Reworked + Guard
- Mobility Cooldowns are Added (Dashes and Backstep)
- Icons of potion effects are changed
- Photon effects used!
- Healing Gourd Added (Heals 7-9 HP)
- Added Firecrackers
- Posture Mechanics Added
- Posture GUI added
- New Art: Dragon Flash,
- Dragon Flash has a cursed variant
- Removed Useless Items
- Parry Limit is set to 300.
Update 1.0.1 changelog
- Improved Dash
- Arts are cycleable
- Improved Bottom left GUI
- Added Kusabimaru
- Made Mortal Blade It's own item
- Replaced Ichimonji with Ashina Cross (Emma Varient)
- Added Cloud Passage (Default slash, no fire)
- Az's entity is now updated (Still irrelevant to the mod)
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