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Posted by: Jdzrowskyy
File size: 23.03 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 249
Mod changelog:
- Added Gravitonite Bow and Shears!
- Added Ascension Upgrade Smithing Template and With It:
Ascended Rose Flower and Potted Version,
Ascension Bottle,
Ascended Highland Doors,
Ascended Highland Trapdoor,
Ascended Tools and Weapons
Ascension Upgrade Drops From Ascension Chests.
- Converted Max Health+ Skill To Mythical Machine Replacing Armor Toughness,
Now The First Skill is ASCENDED MINING, adding 0.01% chance Per Level to get
New Potion Effect "Ascension" After Breaking a Block. It Stands For 10 Seconds
And Gives 1 Ascension Crystal Per Second (MAX SKILL LEVEL = 25)
- Second New Ascension Skill is ASCENDED MINING+
This Skill Is Adding 1+ Effect Level To ASCENDED MINING Skill
and Ascension Bottle When Drinked (MAX SKILL LEVEL = 4)
- Ascension Chest Now Always Cost 3 Ascension Crystals,
Less Mythical Fragments Skill is now Much Cheaper,
and Swim Speed x2 Skill Cost now Only 5 Ascension Crystals
- Now All Ascension Items Have Orange Name Color
- Changed Texture Of Programmist Villager
- Fixed First Ascension Advancement
- Fixed Ascend And Transcend Particles
- Some Other Minor Bugs Fixed
- Added Gravitonite Shield!
- Deepslate Kyawthuite Ore Now Generates 2 Times More Often
- New Recipes For Nether Warts, Enderium Fragments, Raw Enum Crystals And Blocks Of Raw Enum
- Unknown Mythical Block Gives Now Instant Health When Walking On Block
- Now Enderium Fragment Block And Mythical Blocks Drop Themselves
- Enderium Tools Give More Damage To Ender Mobs Now (Excluding Dragon)
- Now There Is Possibility To Pick Up Charged Mythical Portal Frame (Only Diamond Pick And Higher)
- Fixed First Mythical Block Advancement
- Airless Enchantment No Longer Appears In Vanilla Loot Chests
- New Beacon Base Blocks:
Enderium Block,
Ruby Block,
Amethyst Block,
Sapphire Block,
Enum Block,
Kyawthuite Block,
Ascension Block,
Transcended Ascension Block,
Transcendention Block
- New Beacon Payment Items:
Enderium Ingot,
Enum Crystal,
Gravitonite Ingot,
Ascension Crystal,
Transcendentialist Shard
- Soon Possession Enchantment Will Become Useful
- New Wood Type Blocks! Enum Mushroom Stem Can Now Be Crafted Into Planks
- Better Enum Torches!
- NEW SKILL: LESS ENUM SOULS (Decreases Needed Amount For Constructing Mythical Machines, Max 3 Levels)
- Reduced Requirement For Mythical Blocks From 20 To 10!(If Change Is Not Showing Up Use Command /MythicalBlocks reset)
- New Creative Tab: Other Stuff
- Wealthier Ascension Skill Now Cost 1 At Start
- Now Almost Every Mod Ores Drops Experience Orbs
- Enderium Ore No Longer Drops As A Block (Fortune and Silk Touch Possible)
- 2 New Small Structures: Void Bug Room and Void Bug Big Room, Spawns In Enumless Stone Layer
- Void Bug Got Its Own Damage And Death Sound
- New Red Cactus Block! It Can Be Found In All Badlands Biomes
- 2 New Mason Villager Trades
- Little Change For Programmist Trades
- Netherrack Can Be Blasted Now
- Fixed Some Models
- Fixed Construct Pepper Seeds
- More Shears Drops Bugs Fixed
- Recipe For Enderium Upgrader Shows Now After Getting Netherite Upgrader
- Little Changes For Gravitonite Ingot Texture
- Added Information For Ascension Crystal Item, Also Stack Limit For Ascension Crystal Item Grew Up Much More
- Mythical Barrel Now Can Hold More Than 999 Items Per Slot Now
- Walker Got Now 1.2 Block Step Height
- Fixed Enum Torches Model Lighting
- reduced costs of Less Mythical Fragment Skill
- Updated Recipe For Programmist Table to all planks kind
- Fixed model offset for Enum Blossoms
- Enum Blossoms now change instantly their blockstates
- Fixed bug with not dropping acid flowers and dead highland bushes with scissors
- changed acid ingots and acid flowers recipes to be easier now
-Fixed Void Bug Drop With Looting Enchantment ,
-Changed Recipe For Mythical Frost Fragment ,
-New Item, Ice Shards. With Them You Can Craft Now Mythical Frost Fragments ,
-New Trade With Dragon Breath Added to Programmist Villager
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