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Posted by: Berti3187
File description: v1.2.0.01
File size: 845.93 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 155
Mod changelog:
v1.0.0 Realease
- released the mod
v1.0.1 Minor Update
- aerogel can now be found in the inventory
- fixed some aerogel bugs
v1.0.1.01 Bugfix Update
- fixed the ant block
v1.0.2 Minor Update (2 Beta Updates)
- added old brick block
- added old gold and iron block
- added an item: Old Core
v1.1 Major Update
- added 4 saplings
- added the oldest gold block
- added 3 new leaves for the saplings
- There is only 1 log added for the 3 tree types but the next update will add the logs for those 3 tree types.
- added old/unused crying obsidian
- added 2 old sand
- new animated tab texture for the Classic Blocks tab
- ruby tools are now also in Custom tab
- fixed the water texture
- fixed some bugs
- aerogel is a little bit different (no connected sides)
- I might have forgotten a few things because this update is massive.
v1.1.1 Minor Update
- added logo structure placer
- the mod logo spawns at XYZ: -45 63 116
v1.2 Major Update
- added 1 more log
- correct sound for blocks
- fixed bugs (from dev versions)
- the infdev pyramid is now much bigger (used a mod to bypass the 48x48x48 structure block limit)
- the infdev pyramid is now made out of the old bricks
- added another classic planks
Imported to Forge 1.20.1!
the mod might be buggy in Forge 1.20.1 because it was imported from NeoForge 1.21.1. btw in Forge 1.20.1 the water block isn't invisible for some reason, is that a bug in Neoforge or in newer versions? cuz seriously i have no idea how to fix it for Neoforge 1.21.1.
since Neoforge 1.21.1 is the main version for this mod, older versions for Forge 1.20.1 will not be avalible only the latest release will be avalible due to the 5 files limit.
v1.2.0.01 Bugfix Update
- fixed dark side of transparent blocks
- Imported the update to forge 1.20.1 (that might have bugs because the main version is Neoforge 1.21.1)
v1.2.1 Minor Update
- added a tab with everthing in this mod
- added a new command /oldify
- might have added some other stuff that i forgot to mention
Forge 1.20.1 discontinued
Sorry but it takes a long time to refactor workspace and then refactor workspace again.
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