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Posted by: GDToxicPlayDash
File description: The Update that changes Everything!
File size: 841.71 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 1276
Mod changelog:
0.1 - The First Alpha
- Magmaless Blocks and Bricks
- Onare Gem, Block, Armor, and Ore
- Iron Bolt for Iron Factory Block
- Nautilus entity and the 1.13 shell that spawns in Beaches
- Fish Bones and Pufferfish Bones
- Neotal Ingot, Block, Ore, Dust and Infected Zombie
- Chocolate item and block
- All of these in organized tabs (Until 0.2)
- Unused textures for upcoming features
- Clean charcoal texture
0.2 - The Elder Additions
- Removed tabs
- Added Elder Prismarine, Shards, Bricks, Dark, Crystals, and Sea Lantern.
- Added Aquagold and Bloomond (still no ores however)
1.0 - The Update that Changes Everything
- New ores for Aquagold and Bloomond!
- A story!
- Tons of new entitys, like the electrifying Jellyfish and the nutsome Squirrel!
- Polluted Water! (will generate soon)
- A new dye - The Emerald Green dye! (Sheep not included)
- Fish Seeds for no reason, creative exclusive currently
- Nuts, Small Nuts, and leftovers!
- Coconut, Filled Coconut, and a leftover shell!
- Byro Stone and Polished Byro Stone!
- The Cracker, a machine to crack open your Neotal Ingots and the 2 nuts!
- A sword made with Neotal!
- Achievements!
- 3 new biomes!
- Two new dimensions - The Corrupted Mesa a.k.a Neoworld (Normal Terracotta Frame) and the Monochrome Dimension (White Concrete Frame)
- New blocks!
- New items!
- Amazing amount of features!
- Removed Herobrine
- Added Wumpus?
1.0.1 - Simple Fix Update 1
- Fixed generation of structures
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