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Posted by: Jacob752
File description: Mod Download v1.5
File size: 10.39 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 975
Mod changelog:
First release
Added Notch, a very powerful boss mob that drops a diamond block when killed;
Added amethyst blocks;
Changed the ender flower to only spawn in forests;
Added lava that looks like water (called fake water);
Added a liquid that gives the player the wither effect (called void water).
Tweaked the spawning of Troll Stone;
Gravel Coal Ore, Gravel Diamond Ore, and Gravel Emerald Ore now drop experience orbs;
Gravel Iron Ore and Gravel Gold Ore now drop their respective non-gravel ores.
Tweaked Notch's spawning and armor;
Now able to craft amethysts from amethyst blocks (forgot to put this in the last update);
Added the rest of the tools to the mod creative tab.
Added redstone weapons and tools;
Added quartz weapons, tools, and armor;
Tweaked the golden zombie's health, damage, and spawning.
Amethyst ore now gives experience when mined;
Added diamond and emerald drillers (tools with max efficiency that mine almost every block instantly);
Added iron and diamond apples;
Updated the mod screenshots.
Adds an item spawner that drops a random item when broken. Can drop a diamond, emerald, amethyst, diamond block, emerald block, amethyst block, elytra, AK-47, flamethrower, or emerald driller;
Adds a suicide command which kills your player when /suicide is typed;
Fixed fake water, golden zombies, and notch's spawning;
Fixed the golden zombie's texture (hopefully);
Other bug fixes.
Fixed a bug which caused the item spawner not to drop anything;
Added recipes for the item spawner and the snowball cannon;
Updated the suicide command.
Added structure spawns
Added lapis lazuli tools and armor
Added amber ore
Added amber tools and armor
Added a chest spawner
Added Herobrine
Added barrels
Added crossbows
Added a recipe for notch apples
Added amber apples
Fixed textures and other bugs
Added amber block
Fixed structure spawning
Fixed textures
Updated screenshots
Added jade ore and block
Added jade tools and weapons
Fixed a bug which caused the crossbow not dropping an arrow after a missed shot
Added music player
Added melon pickaxe
Changed gravel coal ore and gravel diamond ore to not drop xp when broken in creative
Updated textures
Updated screenshots
Added apatite ore and block
Added apatite tools and armor
Added 9 advancements
Added the duplicator
Added water and lava pickaxes
Added a creative mode block
Added bedrock ore
Replaced the Emerald Driller with the Emerald Jackhammer
Fixed a TON of bugs
Redid the description
Removed some crafting recipes (too OP)
Added compression table
Added farmer
Added blast furnace
Added smoker
Added smooth stone (for blast furnace crafting)
Added Miner's Helmet
Added secret bedrock crafting recipe (shhhhhh!)
Fixed bugs.
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