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Download of TOO MANY LOGIC 1.7.10.jar for TOO MANY LOGIC should start shortly...

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Posted by: César 0ñ
File description: Forge 1.7.10
File size: 548.24 KB
Total download count (all mod files): 877
Mod changelog:


- v1.0

  • Add  old planks

- v2.2     

  • Mushroom blocks
  • Now black oak and acacia is supported

- v.3.0 Christmas special (doesn't contain any Christmas objects) XD     26/12/2019

  • Furnace aggregate (only melts iron and has to use bundles of branches as fuel)
  • Chest added
  • Now you can make concrete by mixing water and cement on the crafting table.
  • Now you can make carbon by cooking the ink sac.
  • Now you can make a ink sac mixing water and coal.
  • Wood beam added.
  • Now you can make stone cooking gravel.
  • Now you can make an ender eye with any head (they get very easy by killing a zombie with the steel sword)
  • Now you can make an ender pearl with an ender eye.
  • Now there is a single steel beam (in addition to the double)
  • Now there is a wooden spear.
  • You can make sand by cooking mud.
  • After making sticks with wood, you can go back putting the sticks in a cross.
  • You can make emeralds with 9 gravel blocks.
  • You can make gravel by putting 4 blocks of stone cooked in a cross.
  • Wet biome added
  • You can make seed with leaves cut with scissors
  • You can cook the seeds to make popcorn
  • And many more things ...

- v4.0

Furnace only melts stone and has to use bundles of branches as fuel

  • Small steel and concrete beams
  • Ceramic, concrete and steel vaults
  • Concrete blocks
  • Ceramic bricks
  • Version for 1.14.4 (I have not been able to prove it) and I think I will rarely update it

- v6.0

  • You can split sticks to plant them
  • Added recipe with which you can make gold nuggets with a bucket of water, any type of soil and a bowl
  • And more things that I don't remember

- v7.0

  • Added katana with melee attack and ranged attack, instant kill(10,000 damage) and is infinite
  • The nether star now has a recipe
  • Fixed bug of infinite sticks
  • Added cooked zombie meat
  • Now you can make leather with zombie meat
  • Now you can make an ender eye with 5 spider eyes

- v7.1

  • Now you can make rabbit hide with zombie meat
  • Now you can make blaze powder by cooking gunpowder

- v7.2

  • Changed katana crafting
  • Now you can make a blaze stick with blaze powder

- v7.3

  • Now you can make bundles of branches with grass

- v7.4

  • The spear can now be used as fuel
  • Fixed small bugs in the katana

- v7.5

  • Now you can make water with cactus
  • Added recipe for elytra
  • Added alternative recipe for paper
  • Added alternative recipe for redstone

- v7.6

  • Now the magma block can be used as fuel

- v8

  • Added rustless steel vault
  • Added mossy concrete vault

- v8.1

  • Added energy drink
  • Added energy bar


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