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Download of EMD_Exp3_1.16.5.jar for Every Miner's Dream! (Previously Extra Stuff Mod) should start shortly...

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Posted by: LP Leon YT
File size: 4.4 MB
Total download count (all mod files): 1047
Mod changelog:

Changes from version Alpha1 to version Alpha2:
-Added Bedrock Ore
-Removed unused objects
-Minor bug fixes

Changes from version Alpha2 to version Alpha3:

-Added Blue Grass Biome
-Added Purple Grass Biome
-Added Netherranium Ore & Tools
-Added new food (Chicken Nuggets)
-Added some new items & blocks (Breadcrumbs, Netherranium Block, Coal Stone)
-Texture changes
-Minor bug fixes
-Balance Updates

Changes from version Alpha3 to version Alpha3.1:

The version "Alpha3", which was released only yesterday, unfortunately contained some bugs, which we have now fixed, besides the many new changes:
-We removed the desert dimension because it was unplayable due to lag
-We removed the purple-grass biome just like the biome wasn't purple. Unfortunately, there was no way to improve on that.
-We added a Blue-Grass dimension (build a portal with Blue Wool, and light it with the Igniter)
-We adapted the Moldy Cheese
-We gave the Netherranium block a crafting recipe
-We have adapted the rarity of some biomes
-We have added some individual achievements to the game
-We renamed the block "Coal Stone" to "Coal Heap"
-We've added an Emerald Nugget to the game
-Balance Updates

Changes from version Alpha3.1 to version AlphaCompleterelease:
-We have removed all previous versions, you can only download this version
-We have added achievements
-We have added Blueranium ore
-We have added a Troll Stone Brick
-We have added some new crafting recipes
-Balance updates
-Minor bug fixes

Changes form version AlphaCompleterelease to version Beta1:

-Biom height variations adjusted
-biomes beautified, and improved
-Another biome added (Plains+)
-Rarity and spawn heights adapted for Stone Nugget Ore, Wood Nugget Ore, Copper Ore, Silver Ore, Tin Ore, Blueranium and Golden Gravel
- Punching with the blaze bow now only deals as much damage as hitting with your hand (0.5hp)
-The Coal Heap now spawns in the Overworld and the Nether
-Strawberry bushes, dirty strawberry bushes and strawberries added
- "Forbidden Potion" added
-Strawberry armor and tools added
-Cactus tools and armor added
-Corn can now be found on bushes
-Added a new archivement and created a separate tab for all archivements added by this mod
-Adjusted the saturation of the cheeseburger
-Mud block added
-Other small fixes
-Balancing updates

Changes from version Beta1 to version Beta2:

-Added a new biome (Minecraft Alpha Biome)

-Added a dungeon in six different variations

-Added two new swords (XP Sword, Piston Sword)

-Added a new achivement

-Adjusted rarities of biomes

-Added cobblestone in all colors (except gray, the reason is obvious)

-Added a new plant (Blue Rose)

-Added more new blocks

-Added coffee and cups

-Added magma armor and tools

-Fixed stability issues


Changes from version Beta2 to version Beta2-100Anniversary:
To celebrate, just for THIS version, there is now:
-An 100 item
-An 100 block
-An 100 dimension with portal igniter
-An 100 achivement

Changes from version Beta2-100Anniversary to version Pre-Release 1:
-Removed the celebration content from the Anniversary version
-Changed the mod's name to "Every Miner's Dream (EMD)"
-Overall texture, balancing, and stability enhancements
-Added, changed and removed some biomes
-Replaced the dungeons by other and better dungeons
-Added plenty of new ores, materiales, food, blocks, recepies and dimensions
-Added a few achievements
-Added new monsters


[EMD "Pre1": The "Back at it" update. Highlights are the new ores, and a rainbow dimension, for which you have to visit all the different "Color Dimensions". Every dimension has it's special traits, so check it out!]

Changes from version PreRelease 1 to version Pre-Release 1.1:

-Fixed a bug that prevents certain ores from smelting

Changes from version PreRelease 1.1 to version Pre-Release 1.2:

-Balancing updates

-Fixed a bug that made that some recepies won't work

Changes from version PreRelease 1.2 to version Pre-Release 1.3:

-Fixed missing textures from the previous version

Changes from version PreRelease 1.3 to version Pre-Release 2:

-Fixed bugs in the rainbow dimension


[EMD "Pre2": The "Rainbow" update, which gives the rainbow dimension a whole new look by changing it's traits and fixing most of it's bugs]

Changes from version PreRelease 2 to version Pre-Release 3:

I'm REALLY sorry for all the problems of previous mod versions.
This time we fixed:
-Colored stones now spawn in their biomes
-A problem that the new dimensions are not enterable
-Corrected spelling mistakes
-Wrong recepies
-That the gun doesn't need ammo
-Balance issues of the guns
-Wrong mob drops
-A bug that crashed the game while creating a new world


[EMD "Pre3": The "Huge bug fixing" Update. Due to the new content (and failure of MCreator software) many bugs occured, which have been fixed with this version]

Changes from version PreRelease 3 to version Pre-Release 4:

Woah, magic!

Wands are now featured in EMD! Just a few, but there will be more, I am sure!

So, we
-Added Wands, their recepies, a magical flower and a magical biome.
-Fixed that the mudball can be thrown infinitely (nevertheless the bug might still occur, we have to figure out how to change that)
-Did some balancing updates again


[EMD "Pre4": The "Wands" update, which includes magical wands]

Changes from version PreRelease 4 to version Pre-Release 4.1:

Woah, magic!

Wands are now featured in EMD! Just a few, but there will be more, I am sure!

So, we
-Added Wands, their recepies, a magical flower and a magical biome.
-Fixed that the mudball can be thrown infinitely (nevertheless the bug might still occur, we have to figure out how to change that)
-Did some balancing updates again

(Changes from Pre4 to Pre4.1: Little bug fixes)

Changes from version PreRelease 4.1 to version Pre-Release 4.2:

Woah, magic!

Wands are now featured in EMD! Just a few, but there will be more, I am sure!

So, we
-Added Wands, their recepies, a magical flower and a magical biome.
-Fixed that the mudball can be thrown infinitely (nevertheless the bug might still occur, we have to figure out how to change that)
-Did some balancing updates again

(Changes from Pre4.1 to Pre4.2: Fixed missing textures & the right version should now be displayed in Mod Settings Menu)

Version "Exp1 1.16.5" release notes:

YO! EMD's coming to 1.16.5!

This is our first attempt to port Every Miner's Dream to newer Minecraft versions! Stay tuned for new updates.

Note: This is experimental. This version might be really buggy, unstable, unfinished and might not work correctly. Worlds you create in this version might corrupt while playing. USE WITH CAUTION!

Changes from version PreRelease 4.2 to version Pre-Release 4.3:

Woah, magic!

Wands are now featured in EMD! Just a few, but there will be more, I am sure!

So, we
-Added Wands, their recepies, a magical flower and a magical biome.
-Fixed that the mudball can be thrown infinitely (nevertheless the bug might still occur, we have to figure out how to change that)
-Did some balancing updates again

(Changes from Pre4.2 to Pre4.3: The right Mod version should now be displayed (yeah, we said that in the version before too, but this time it should work) + Balancing updates + There was a recipe problem again, which we fixed too).

Version "Exp2 1.16.5" release notes:

EMD's second 1.16.5 version!

But nothing special happened. We have ported the changes for the 1.12.2 version to 1.16.5. We didn't have time yet to look for issues in the 1.16.5 version. The only thing I saw is that the corn plant doesn't seem to spawn - I tried to fix it, but I'm not sure if it worked. So if you counter an issue, please tell us!!!!!!

A bigger update waits just for you!

Changes from version PreRelease 4.3 to version Pre-Release 5:

This updates focuses on the wands from the last few versions. More magical stuff coming up! Yeah!!

-We've added two more Wands
-We've updated the Magical Forest Biome
-We've added a Dark Magical Forest Biome with a flower which drops Dark Essence
-We've added structures for the Dark Magical Forest Biome
-We've added a witched Zomibe and a witched Chest
-We've added a battery
-We've removed the Cactus Land Biome
-We've fixed missing texture bugs (again)
-We've changed textures of the Portal Igniters
-We've fixed that one mudball is throwable without losing it (infinit). We know that now the mudball isn't stackable anymore: We will fix that in the next version.
This version also features:

-Balancing updates
As always :D



[EMD "Pre5": The "Further Magic" update]


Also read the announcement on the mod's main page!


This updates focuses on the wands from the last few versions. More magical stuff coming up! Yeah!!

-We've added two more Wands
-We've updated the Magical Forest Biome
-We've added a Dark Magical Forest Biome with a flower which drops Dark Essence
-We've added structures for the Dark Magical Forest Biome
-We've added a witched Zomibe and a witched Chest
-We've added a battery
-We've removed the Cactus Land Biome
-We've fixed missing texture bugs (again)
-We've changed textures of the Portal Igniters
-We've fixed that one mudball is throwable without losing it (infinit). We know that now the mudball isn't stackable anymore: We will fix that in the next version.
This version also features:

-Balancing updates
As always :D


[EMD "Pre5": The "Further Magic" update]

(Changes from Pre5 to Pre5.1: Corrected spelling errors in german language, fixed wrong attack damage of some tools, changend some crafting recepies and added the missing uranium leggings recepie, fixed wrong sounds of the strong zombie, fixed a bug that titanium can spawn in plains & balancing updates).

Also read the announcement on the mod's main page!


Changes from Pre5.1 to Pre6:

Are you ready for the newest content?!

-We've added more mobs to the world (not all are finished tough)

-We've added new blocks

-We've added a flashlight

-We've added new armor

-We've done some more balancing updates


[EMD "Pre6": The Allrounder update]


Also read the announcement on the Mod's main page!


Changes from Pre6 to Pre6.1:

A pretty necessary balancing update:

-Fixed an error that prevented Yellowrite to spawn
-Reduced damage dealt by Gun, Knife-Gun and Flamethrower
-Balanced speed from certain mobs
-Changed weight of some biomes
-Updated balancing of mob-spawning
-Removed unused elements

-Reduced armor points of the Neko-Maid armor


Changes from Pre6.1 to Pre6.1.B:

An update which only makes the strawberry helmet less OP.


Version "Exp3 1.16.5" release notes:

This is a port of the mod's updates since October 2022. Please take note that this there were no bug fixes for this version. This will take time.


Changes from Pre6.1.B to Pre6.2:

Hey there! We are still alive! With this version we fixed an error that prevents Blueranium from spawning.
Sowwy that this error existet for so long >.<


Changes from Pre 6.2 to Pre7:

**[EMD "Pre7": The Big Strike Update]**

Many new things!


*-Replaced old textures*

*-Strawberry Helmet is now edible when you sneak instead of a permanent saturation effect*

*-Achivement changes and additions -> General new Achivement System*

*-Removed the "Forbidden Potion"*

*-Amethyst now only spawns in cold biomes*

*-Removed the Lighting Creeper, Cute Ghast and Explosive Zombie*

*-Fixed bad Mouse and Rat AI*

*-Removed the delays of the Mouse sound effects*

*-Name change: Blue Rose -> Blauxa*

*-Fast Zombie now walks a bit slower*

*-The Guns all now have cooldowns

*-Improved the Lightning Wand*

*-Added Witched Coal*

*-Removed the Blaze Bow*

*-Added an Invicibility Staff*

*-Added a Teru Teru Bōzu*

*-Added a bad Teru Teru Bōzu*

*-Added a trophy for every color boss*

*-Added Mud Tools and Armor*

*-Added a new type of mud: Frozen Mud*

*-Movement on mud now is limited

*-Emerald Armor now is a bit weaker*

*-Fries now grant way more nutrition*

*-Updated The German Language Data*

*-Removed most of the unnecessary textures from the mod's files*


*-There are now boss structures with a boss spawner for every color related biome


*-Mob Spawning improvements, general changes for example: Witches are more likely to spawn in Magical Forests*

*-Added boss mobs for every color*

*-Added different types of zombies for the color related biomes*


*-Changed registry name of the Mystical Forest*

*-Renamed the Dark Magic Biome to Witched Forest*

*-Renamed the smallacacias Biome to Savanna Bushlands*

*-Balancing Updates (Hight variations, Base Height, Specs)

*-The Color Biomes now grant negative effects: green: poison if sneaking, blue: slowness, 
yellow: Mining fatigue, red: weakness, purple: hunger*

*-Added a Autumn Forest and Coal Hills*

*-Removed Explosive Woods*

Changes from 1.12.2 Pre6.2 to 1.19.2 0.1:

**Introducing the first ever EMD version for Minecraft 1.19.2!**

Note that most of the following changes already happened at the update from 1.12.2 Pre6 to Pre7. Development of 1.12.2 Pre7 and 1.19.2 0.1 was parallel so we wrote down the changes here too. Everything __underlined__ is a change that happened for 1.19.2 only.


__### EMD now is playable in Minecraft 1.19.2!__

__*-Adjusted all the textures to fit into the new Minecraft versions*__

__*-Updated all the stuff to the new Minecraft mechanics (Raw Materials instead of ores, Spawn Height of Ores, Deepslate Ores, ...)__

__*Added Ore Dictonaries (The Mod now is semi-compatible with other Forge Mods!)__

__*-Added custom enchantments*__

__*-Added a Copper Bush*__

__*Blauxa now is convertable to blue dye*__

__*-Removed the custom Copper Ore, Copper Tools now are craftable using Vanilla Copper*

*-Removed the custom Amethyst Ore, Amethyst Tools now are craftable using Vanilla Amethyst*

*-Ruby and Pyrit now spawn as crystals in geodes*

*-Added agate which spawns as crytals too and only can be found in cold biomes*

*-Renamed Mud into Mush*

*-Removed Swampy Mud/Mush*

*-Frozen Mud now unfreezes if you put it into a Camp Fire*

*-Added custom Loot Tables for chests of the type jungle temple*

*-Added a W.I.P. atomic reactor and fuel*

*-Added Rock Candy*

*-Added a new type of stone: Gneiss*

*-Added a Blueranium Nugget which now drops when destroying Blueranium*

*-Drinking coffee will now return the cup*

*-Added Clippo*

*-Added a Bamboo Sword*

*-Various Balancing Updates*__

*-Removed the Blaze Bow*

*-Strawberry Helmet is now edible when you sneak instead of a permanent saturation effect*

*-Achivement changes and additions -> General new Achivement System*

*-Removed the "Forbidden Potion"*

*-Amethyst now only spawns in cold biomes*

*-Removed the Lighting Creeper, Cute Ghast and Explosive Zombie*

*-Fixed bad Mouse and Rat AI*

*-Removed the delays of the Mouse sound effects*

*-Name change: Blue Rose -> Blauxa*

*-Fast Zombie now walks a bit slower*

*-The Guns all now have cooldowns

*-Improved the Lightning Wand*

*-Added Witched Coal*

*-Added an Invicibility Staff*

*-Added a Teru Teru Bōzu*

*-Added a bad Teru Teru Bōzu*

*-Added a trophy for every color boss*

*-Added Mud Tools and Armor*

*-Added a new type of mud: Frozen Mud*

*-Movement on mud now is limited

*-Emerald Armor now is a bit weaker*

*-Fries now grant way more nutrition*

*-Updated The German Language Data*

*-Removed most of the unnecessary textures from the mod's files*


*-There are now boss structures with a boss spawner for every color related biome


*-Mob Spawning improvements, general changes for example: Witches are more likely to spawn in Magical Forests*

*-Added boss mobs for every color*

*-Added different types of zombies for the color related biomes*


*-Changed registry name of the Mystical Forest*

*-Renamed the Dark Magic Biome to Witched Forest*

*-Renamed the smallacacias Biome to Savanna Bushlands*

__*-General change in how biomes generate (because Minecraft has a new way to generate them*__
*-The Color Biomes now grant negative effects: green: __poison when touching water__, blue: slowness, yellow: Mining fatigue, red: weakness, purple: hunger*

*-Added a Autumn Forest and Coal Hills*
*-Removed Explosive Woods*

__*-Removed Extreme Unevenesses (The new Minecraft generation makes this biome impossible to work)*__

__*Desert Mountains -> Desert Hills*

*Creepy Plains -> Creepy Lands*

*Added Flooded Beach*

*Added Magical Cave*__

How to install a mod?

If you are looking on how to install modifications made with MCreator, check MCreator's wiki. There you can find detailed instructions of the process. If the mod has special instructions or steps for the installation, make sure to read through the mod page for any details.

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MCreator is a software used to make Minecraft mods (mod generator) without programming knowledge and is developed by Pylo. It's very simple to use, and its concept is easy to learn. With it, you can make your own mod in minutes! MCreator is a great tool to learn Minecraft computer programming and to learn basic concepts of software programming. Learn more about MCreator.

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